Feb 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Program Requirements

Academic programs are administered through the following Colleges and Departments, which provide courses in the specified subject areas:

College of Arts and Sciences

Art and Design
History, Political Science, and Geography
Languages, Literature, and Philosophy
Sciences and Mathematics

College of Education and Human Sciences

Health and Kinesiology
Psychology and Family Studies

College of Nursing and Speech-Language Pathology

Associate Nursing
Baccalaureate Nursing
Graduate Nursing (see Graduate Bulletin)
Speech-Language Pathology

College of Business and Professional Studies

Department of Business
Department of Legal Studies
Culinary Arts Institute

Degrees Offered

Mississippi University for Women offers the following degrees: Associate of Science in Nursing; Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Bachelor of Music; Bachelor of Fine Arts; Bachelor of Technology; Master of Education; Master of Arts in Teaching; Master of Fine Arts; Master of Science; Master of Science in Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice.

Graduate Majors

Differentiated Instruction
Educational Leadership
Gifted Studies
Health Education
Physical Theatre
Speech-Language Pathology

Undergraduate Majors:

Art Education
Biology (also with Teacher Certification)
Business Administration (with concentrations in Entrepreneurship, General Business, Management, Management Information Systems, and Marketing)
Culinary Arts
Elementary Education
English (also with Teacher Certification)
Family Studies
Fine Arts (with emphases in Graphic Design, Studio Arts, and Theatre)
General Studies
History (also with Teacher Certification)
Interdisciplinary Studies
Kinesiology (with concentrations in Teaching Certification, Exercise Science, Exercise Science-Physical Therapy, and Pre-Occupational Therapy)
Legal Studies
Mathematics (also with Teacher Certification)
Music (with emphasis in General Music, Music Education, Music Therapy)
Nursing (including ASN and BSN degree programs)
Physical Science with Teacher Certification
Political Science
Professional Studies (with concentrations in Entrepreneurship, General Business, Human Resource Management,  and Management Information Systems)
Public Health Education
Public Safety Administration (with concentrations in General Business/Fire Science Management and Law and Government/Fire Science Management)
Social Sciences (also with Teacher Certification)
Spanish (also with Teacher Certification)
Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology
Women’s Studies

General Education Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees

Click here to view the General Education Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees 

Post-Baccalaureate Core

Click here to view the Post-Baccalaureate Core 

One-Credit Courses

One-credit courses may be used toward elective hours for graduation requirements. However, no accumulation of one-credit elective courses may be used to satisfy a Core requirement.

Proficiency in English

Proficiency in English, both written and spoken, is required of all students. Students deficient in English may be referred to the Department of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy or Academic Support Services for remediation to correct the deficiency.

The ACT score in English, required of all entering students, is used to determine the level at which each student should begin English composition. All entering freshmen with an ACT English subtest score of 16 or below will be required to take EN 100 during their first semester of enrollment and will be required to enroll in EN 100 until a passing grade is earned.

English Composition Requirement

All students must take EN 101 and EN 102 in their first year. A student must earn a grade of C or higher in EN 101 and EN 102 to satisfy the English composition requirement. These courses may not be fulfilled through correspondence courses.

Special Requirements of the College of Nursing and Speech Language Pathology

The College of Nursing and Speech Language Pathology has special standards relating to grades and transfer credit. Please see the appropriate sections in this catalog for these requirements.


Major and Minor Requirements

Declaration of a Major

Degree seeking students who have earned 60 or more credit hours are not permitted to remain undeclared, but must select a major before they can register for additional coursework. Students may change majors, but may not change back to undeclared. Declaring a major involves completing the appropriate paperwork with the chosen academic Department.

Change of Major

In any given semester, students are permitted to change their major, provided they do so between the first day of class and the last day to drop without academic penalty. See the academic calendar for specific dates.

General Requirements

Major coursework requires at least 30 semester hours while minor coursework requires no more than 24 and no fewer than 18. When attempting to satisfy requirements, students may not count any particular courses toward both a major and a minor.

For specific major and minor requirements, see the appropriate College/School listing in this Bulletin. In planning a program, students should solicit the guidance of their faculty advisor. Students seeking certification to teach on the secondary level must fulfill the requirements for the specific curriculum in the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Transfer students who wish to receive a degree from Mississippi University for Women must complete at least fifty percent of the credit hours required in both their major and their minor in residence at MUW. Community/junior college transfer students must earn at least 50% of their academic credit from a senior institution. All transfer students must earn at least 25% of the hours required for their degree from MUW.

Specialized Curricula

The University offers various specialized degrees, such as the Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees. Students electing any of the specialized curricula pursue the course of studies particular to the degree. For details on the above cited BFA and the BM degrees, see the respective sections of this Bulletin for the Department of Art and Design and the Department of Music and Theater.

Double Majors

Students may have more than one major; however, when attempting to satisfy the requirements for multiple majors within the same College or Institute, students may not count any major course in more than one program of study, but must satisfy the credit hour requirements without duplication. If a student is graduating with two majors, the first major listed will be comparable to the degree received. Both majors will be recorded on the transcript.

Bachelor of Science Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree must complete the following courses in their academic program:

8 semester hours of Laboratory Science
3 semester hours of Mathematics MA 113 or higher (excluding MA 123)
6 semester hours of Science and/or Mathematics
3 semester hours of additional mathematics above MA 113 or computer applications/programming course

A total of 20 hours is required, and students may not double count credit hours in the above categories.

A minimum of 124 semester hours is necessary for graduation under this curriculum; however, some programs may require additional hours beyond the minimum.

Bachelor of Arts Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree must include the following courses (or demonstrate equivalent competency) in their academic program:

Foreign Language 101-102 8 semester hours

Foreign Language 201-202 6 semester hours

To fulfill the language requirement for the B.A., students must complete the 202 level or above in a foreign language. For information on foreign language placement, see the Department of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy section in this Bulletin. If, upon entering the University, a student already has sufficient background to be successful in 201-202, he/she does not need to enroll in 101-102. The requirement is in essence six hours credit at the 200-level or above.

While a minimum of 124 hours is required for graduation under this curriculum, some programs may stipulate additional credit hours beyond the minimum.

Bachelor of Fine Arts Requirements

The prescribed course of study for those pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree can be found in the Department of Art and Design section of this Bulletin. A minimum of 124 hours is required for graduation under this curriculum; however, the stipulated credit hours of some areas of emphasis may exceed 124 hours.

Bachelor of Music Requirements

In addition to the general core requirements, the student must complete the prescribed course of study in Music Education or Music Therapy. The specific curriculum stipulated for those pursuing a Bachelor of Music degree can be found in the section of this Bulletin labeled Department of Music and Theater.

Associate of Science in Nursing Requirements

The Associate of Science in Nursing Program is two years in length and is designed to provide high school graduates, as well as those who already have a practical nursing license, with the opportunity to obtain an Associate of Science in Nursing degree. The two-year curriculum consists of 71 semester hours, approximately 42% in general education and 58% in nursing. Upon receiving an Associate of Science in Nursing degree, the student is recommended for the State Board of Nursing Licensure Examination, the successful completion of which entitles the nurse to be called an RN (Registered Nurse). Please see the material entitled Undergraduate Admissions: Admission Plans-Nursing in this Bulletin for additional information regarding the Board of Nursing’s licensure protocol. For curriculum information, see the section on the College of Nursing and Speech Language Pathology in this Bulletin.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Requirements

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is a four-year program (128 semester hours) combining general education and nursing education courses. The program provides qualified students with an opportunity to earn a baccalaureate degree in nursing. Upon successful completion of the program, the student is recommended for the State Board of Nursing Licensure Exam, the successful completion of which entitles the nurse to the designation RN (Registered Nurse). Please see the material entitled Undergraduate Admissions: Admission Plans-Nursing in this Bulletin for additional information regarding the Board of Nursing’s licensure protocol. Graduates of this program are prepared to accept professional nursing positions, to function in a variety of settings, and/or to continue their formal training in a graduate nursing program. For curriculum information, see the section on the College of Nursing and Speech-Language Pathology in this Bulletin.

Program Opportunities

Center for Academic Excellence

The goal of the Center for Academic Excellence is to facilitate the academic progress of all students. Students who need academic assistance are aided through a variety of services designed to increase their chances for success. Advanced students have the opportunity to develop mentoring and teaching skills and to enhance their study techniques prior to entering either graduate/professional school or the job market.

The Center for Academic Excellence offers peer tutoring, academic advising for undeclared students, guided study sessions, and individual academic counseling. Group workshops are scheduled on a variety of topics, such as test taking, note taking, and time management. Students may also receive support in their preparation for graduate school entry exams, such as the MCAT and GRE.

The Center for Academic Excellence maintains a library of study guides, study skills books, computer tutorials, video tutorials, and handouts that offer instruction in effective learning and study strategies. Students receive individualized instruction in the utilization of computer tutorials and the implementation of newly-acquired study techniques.

Students With Diagnosed Disabilities

The Center for Academic Excellence ensures that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to learn and to express their knowledge. MUW students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations should contact the Center for Academic Excellence at (662) 329-7138.

First-Year Program

The First-Year Program is designed to acquaint new students with college life and to assist them in clarifying and planning academic and career goals. The one credit course, UN 101 Introduction to College Life, is required of all students with fewer than 12 hours earned, excluding AP and CLEP credit, college credit earned while in high school, and college credit earned during the summer between high school graduation and fall enrollment. Special emphasis is placed on monitoring the academic progress of students during their first semester of enrollment.

Degree Credit for Professional Studies

Students who immediately enter approved schools of law, medicine, dentistry, or engineering after completing their junior year at Mississippi University for Women may qualify for the B.A. or B.S. degree by transferring to MUW credits earned during the first year of the professional school. However, all other university requirements for the undergraduate degree must have been met. The College deans and faculty advisors will help students in planning their course of study to meet the requirements for admission to the professional school of their choice.

International Education

MUW facilitates international experiences through the recruitment of international students, the arrangement of study abroad experiences, the promotion of international events on campus, and the inclusion of global perspectives in the curriculum.

The Office of Admissions actively recruits students throughout the world. The Office of Diversity Education helps international students adjust to life on campus, encourages their involvement in campus activities, and coordinates several events each year to heighten multicultural awareness. The International Student Association, composed of foreign as well as American students, facilitates unique social and educational opportunities.

Students interested in study abroad opportunities should contact the Coordinator of Study Abroad Programs. Arrangements can be made to study abroad at institutions in England, France, Japan, and Mexico as well as other countries.

Every year MUW sponsors an International Series on the culture and politics of a specific country or region.

The Ina E. Gordy Honors College

MUW’s Honors College is designed to serve the academic needs of honors students. Successful completion of the Honors College curriculum entitles students to graduate from the institution with honors in their major area of study. In order to be certified for graduation with departmental honors, students must complete all requirements of the program, including but not limited to the written and oral presentations of the independent study project.

Required of Centennial and some other scholarship recipients, but open to application from other academically strong students, the Honors College provides an opportunity for academically talented and motivated students to participate in a learning experience that is more intensive and innovative. The Honors College encourages and nurtures intellectual curiosity and advanced scholarship and meets the unique learning needs of talented students by offering honors sections of core requirements, interdisciplinary study, and independent research. Honors students are expected to exhibit excellence not only in their grades but also in their intellectual curiosity.

Entering freshmen may apply for admission to the Honors College if they have a composite ACT score of 24 (or equivalent on other entrance exams). After their first semester in residence, students may enter the Honors College on the basis of a grade point average of at least 3.30 after 15 semester hours of credit, 3.50 GPA after 30 semester hours of credit, 3.70 after 60 semester hours of credit. Only transfer students may enter the Honors College after the sophomore year.

Students who transfer to MUW at the beginning of their junior year may apply for admission to the Honors College if they have at least a 3.70 GPA on sixty transferable hours. They must take the following courses: the equivalent of a year of foreign language, HO 303 (two sections), HO 401 and HO 402.

The Honors College expects participants to maintain high GPAs. All honors students must maintain at least a 3.00; students entering the Independent Study must have at least a 3.30. If a student falls below the required cumulative GPA at the end of a given semester, the Director of the Honors College will put that student on honors probation for one semester. If, by the end of the subsequent semester in which the student is enrolled at MUW, the student does not have the required cumulative GPA, the student will be dismissed from the Honors College. The student will receive written notification from the Director of Honors at the beginning of the probation period and at the time of dismissal.

Courses Required for the Honors College:

  • HO 101 Honors Forum (4 semesters)
  • Foreign Language (the equivalent of 2 semesters)
  • HO 303 Special Topics Seminar (2 sections)
  • HO 401 Independent Study I
  • HO 402 Independent Study II

Select 3 of the following:  Honors students take three courses from MUW’s core curriculum at the Honors level. Offerings typically include:

  • EN 101 English Composition I (Honors)
  • EN 102 English Composition II (Honors)
  • HIS 101 History of Civilization I (Honors)
  • HIS 102 History of Civilization II (Honors)
  • HIS 109 American History I (Honors)
  • HIS 110 American History II (Honors)
  • BSB 101 General Biology I (Honors) and BSB 101L General Biology I Lab
  • BSB 102 General Biology II (Honors) and BSB 102L General Biology II Lab
  • PSP 213 General Physics (Calculus-Based)
  • PSP 214 General Physics (Calculus-Based)
  • MA 130 Precalculus or higher level mathematics course

The Residential Honors Program

The Residential Honors Program, a division of the Honors College, supplements the Honors curriculum with an innovative living and learning experience for freshman and sophomore honors students. Participants live together in the same residence hall and take Honors classes together their first and second years, and study abroad together the summer after the second year. These students benefit from the intense faculty-student interaction and from the sense of belonging to a community of scholars. All Centennial and Honors Scholarship award holders are required to participate in the RHP. Other honors students may apply for admission. Spaces in the program are limited. Interested students should contact the Director of the Honors College.

ROTC Program

The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (Air Force and Army) are under the administrative and academic supervision of the College of Arts and Sciences at Mississippi State University.

Air Force ROTC

The ROTC program is directed by Lt. Col. Terry Dickensheet, Professor of Aerospace Studies at Mississippi State University.

The Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC) program in combination with the major degree requirements at MUW earn the graduate a commission as Air Force second lieutenant. The Air Force program requirements include 12 hours of upper division AFROTC courses and a four or six-week summer program. All courses must be taken on the campus of Mississippi State University.

For information on the Air Force ROTC program, students should contact Lt. Col. Dickensheet at AFROTC Detachment 425, Mississippi State University, 202 Middleton Hall, P.O. Box AF, Mississippi State, MS 39762-5537, (662) 325-3810, email: afrotc@afrotc.msstate.edu,http://www.msstate.edu/dept/afrotc/.

Army ROTC Program

The Director of Army ROTC is Lt. Colonel Marcus Majure, Professor of Military Science at Mississippi State University

Purpose and Objectives

The objective of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is to develop the student’s understanding of associated professional knowledge, to nurture a sense of personal integrity, responsibility, and honor, and to cultivate an appreciation for the problems of national security.

The total number of ROTC hours allowable as elective credit toward a specific degree varies according to institution and program. Most University programs accept six (6) or more hours of ROTC toward graduation. Contact the MUW registrar for information regarding the maximum allowable credit for ROTC.

The Army ROTC Basic Course introduces first and second year students to the institution and its many career opportunities but does not require commitment to future military service. The Advanced Course, which is designed for third and fourth year students, stresses the knowledge and skill, both military and interpersonal, that is required of commissioned officers in the Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard.

For information on the Army ROTC program, students should contact Lt. Colonel Majure at Mississippi State University, Department of Military Science, P.O. Box 5447, Mississippi State, MS 39762, 1-800-811-5013. The web site for the Army ROTC program is http://www.msstate.edu/dept/militaryscience/.