Feb 08, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Expenses

A portion of student tuition and fee charges is used for operating costs, including scholarships, tuition waivers, and other operating costs. It is the intent of the University to keep expenses at a minimum. The residence halls and food service must be self-supporting, and their fees are set according to costs.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are published online (http://web2.muw.edu/index.php/en/comptroller-tuition.html).

Meal Plans

The University offers three separate meal plan options:

  • Plan I: Includes all 19 meals per week served in the Hogarth Dining Center cafeteria plus 50 Bonus Bucks which can be used in the Goose, the Grill, the Coffee Bar, or for additional meals in the cafeteria.
  • Plan II: Includes any 14 of the 19 meals served per week, plus 100 Bonus Bucks which can be used in the Goose, the Grill, the Coffee Bar, or for additional meals in the cafeteria.
  • Plan III: Includes any 10 of the 19 meals served per week, plus 150 Bonus Bucks which may be used as in Plan II.

Payment Plans

Tuition and fees are due in full on registration day. If a student is unable to pay in full, that student must set up a payment plan. Mississippi University for Women has contracted with Tuition Management Systems, Inc., to offer annual (nine or 10 payments) and semester (four or five payments) plans. The only additional cost for selecting Tuition Management Systems, Inc. is an enrollment fee of $65 for the annual plans and $46 for the semester plans. There is no interest charge. Call 800.722.4867 and talk with a professional payment counselor about the payment plan that is best for you. Information about the payment plans is available at www.afford.com.

Students who withdraw from the University are responsible for any remaining debts owed to the University. Note: Tuition charges are not adjusted if classes are dropped after the last day to add/drop classes via Banner Web. The last day to add/drop via Banner Web is the last day to add a class. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Special Fees

Change of Course Fee

Students who change courses after their initial registration must pay $10.00 before the change is official.

By-Pass Examination Fee

The fee of $125.00 must accompany the completed application for a by-pass examination.

Advanced Placement and CLEP Recording Fees

A $25.00 fee per course must be paid before Advanced Placement or CLEP credit will be recorded on a student’s transcript.

Degree Audit Fee

A non-refundable fee is required of all students who apply for a degree by the deadline published on the Academic Calendar.  Applications for degrees are available in the Office of the Registrar. Should a student not complete graduation requirements for the term indicated, another application must be filed and another audit fee paid. Late fees may be assessed. See the Academic Calendar for deadlines.

Course Participation Fees

Non-refundable fees in addition to tuition are associated with some courses which require the use of special equipment, facilities or materials. These fees, which vary from course to course, will be listed in the schedule of classes each term and will be collected as part of registration.

Parking Decal

A fee of $25.00 is charged for a parking decal.

Adjustments to Charges/Refunds

Adjustments to tuition and housing expenses are made for students who officially withdraw from the University during the first ten days of classes in the full-term fall and spring, during the first six days of classes in the full term summer, during the first three days of the five-week summer sessions, or during the first five days of the accelerated fall and spring sessions. Students will be assessed 5% of full tuition and reimbursed for the remainder. No refund in tuition will be given after the above listed periods. Tuition charges are not adjusted if classes are dropped after the last day to add/drop classes via Banner Web. The last day to add/drop via Banner Web is the last day to add a class. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Housing expenses will be pro-rated, based on actual residency. Students withdrawing from student housing before the contract period ends will be assessed an additional $250.00 termination fee. Students who withdraw from student housing during the first five weeks of the fall or spring semester will receive a pro rata refund of their original meal plan disbursement.

Note: First-time students who receive financial aid under the Title IV program are subject to the refund guidelines of that program. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid or the Comptroller for specific guidelines.

Non-Attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal from the University. Per contract agreement, students who remain enrolled but who withdraw from the residence hall will receive no refund of fees, and if they signed a two-semester contract they will be billed again for housing in the spring semester so long as they are still enrolled at MUW. Students who withdraw from the University during the first two weeks of classes will have their living expenses pro-rated, based on actual residency. Students who are charged for a private room will have rates adjusted if the private room status is changed. No adjustments will be made in housing fees in the last thirty calendar days of the semester. Students who move out of the residence halls because they are engaged in directed teaching or other field experiences will have their living expenses pro-rated, based upon actual residency.

Students who withdraw from the University are responsible for any balance remaining on their account.


All remittances should be sent to University Accounting and should be made payable to Mississippi University for Women. Checks made payable to students are honored in payment of fees. A service charge will be imposed for returned checks, and returned checks will be subject to legal collection procedures unless payment is made promptly upon the demand. If your check is returned for non-sufficient funds, you expressly authorize your account to be electronically debited or bank drafted for the amount of the check plus any applicable fees. The use of a check for payment is your acknowledgement and acceptance of this policy and its terms and conditions. Payments on student accounts may also be made on-line using Banner Web.

Student Obligations

General Information

Accounts owed to the University must be cleared before the student will be allowed to preschedule classes for subsequent semesters. The University reserves the right to refuse transcripts, diplomas, degree verifications, and letters of good standing to students whose financial obligations have not been satisfied. Students who withdraw from the University are responsible for any balance remaining on their account.

Any student account that remains unpaid at the end of the semester and is not paid within thirty days may be turned over to an outside collection agency. To cover the collection agency costs, a fee will be added to the amount owed by the student.

Identification Cards

All regularly enrolled students are issued an Identification Card during registration. Students must present their current MUW Identification Card before receiving refund checks from Office of the Comptroller. Also the inability to present a residential I.D. Card before entering the dining hall may result in the student having to pay for his/her meal.

Withdrawing students must surrender their I.D. cards to the Dean’s office when they complete the withdrawal form.  In addition, they must make final adjustments to their accounts with the Office of the Comptroller. The student may retain a Food Services I.D. and continue to eat in the cafeteria if prepayment has been made.

Replacement cards can be obtained from the Campus Card Office in McDevitt Hall. A lost I.D. card will be replaced upon payment of $25.00.

Student Supplies

Books and other academic supplies may be secured at the University bookstore, which is located on the first floor of the Hogarth Student Center. The fees and expenses previously cited do not include the cost of these items.

Personal Expenses

Money intended for personal expenses cannot be entered on the books of the University, nor are students allowed to draw on their pre-paid residential accounts or tuition to meet other expenses. In addition to books and supplies, students are responsible for the costs related to campus organizations and personal activities. They may find a checking account with a home or local bank convenient for the safe management of funds necessary for the miscellaneous expenses of daily life.

Change of Registration–Drop/Add

Courses may be added or dropped without penalty during the first few days of a term using Banner Web on-line. Students should check the academic calendar, student handbook, and/or student activities calendar for all important dates concerning dropping a course, adding a course, or changing their grade status in a course. After that time, students will need to consult their advisors for drop/add procedures. The add/drop transaction is not final until the changes have been processed.

Withdrawal from MUW

Students who wish to withdraw from the University must do so through the College or School of their major or through the Center for Academic Excellence if they are undeclared. The last day to withdraw from the University is listed on the Academic Calendar. Once the withdrawal request form is processed, this is an irreversible action.

Withdrawal from Mississippi University for Women does not necessarily indicate a clearance of financial or other obligations. All obligations to the University must be met regardless of withdrawal status. Refunds, if any, are made according to the MUW refund schedule listed in the University Accounting Office’s Tuition and Fees webpage, based on the date of withdrawal.

Leaving the University without filing a formal withdrawal notice will result in failing grades in all courses for which the student is registered. Withdrawing from a residence hall is not the same as withdrawing from university course work.

Withdrawal Effect on Tuition–Adjustments to Charges/Refunds

Adjustments to tuition and housing expenses are made for students who officially withdraw from the University during the first ten days of classes in the full-term fall, spring, and during the first 6 days of the full summer term, or during the first three days of the five-week summer sessions, or during the first five days of the accelerated fall and spring sessions. Students will be assessed $100.00 or 5% of full tuition (whichever is lower) and reimbursed for the remainder. No refund in tuition will be given after the above listed periods. Tuition charges are not adjusted if classes are dropped after the last day to add/drop classes via Banner Web. The last day to add/drop via Banner Web is the last day to add a class. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Withdrawal Effect on Housing—Refund of Housing and Meal Plan

Housing expenses will be pro-rated, based on actual residency. Students withdrawing from student housing before the contract period ends will be assessed an additional $250.00 termination fee. Students who withdraw from student housing during the first five weeks of the fall or spring semester will receive a pro rata refund of their original meal plan disbursement.
Non-Attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal from the University. Per contract agreement, students who remain enrolled but who withdraw from the residence hall will receive no refund of fees, and if they signed a two-semester contract they will be billed again for housing in the spring semester so long as they are still enrolled at MUW. Students who withdraw from the University during the first two weeks of classes will have their living expenses pro-rated, based on actual residency. Students who are charged for a private room will have rates adjusted if the private room status is changed. No adjustments will be made in housing fees in the last thirty calendar days of the semester. Students who move out of the residence halls because they are engaged in directed teaching or other field experiences will have their living expenses pro-rated, based upon actual residency.
Students who withdraw from the University are responsible for any balance remaining on their account.

Withdrawal Effect on Financial Aid

Students who choose to withdraw from the University prior to the end of the term must follow the “Withdrawal Process” established by the University. (Students who wish to completely withdraw from the University must do so through the College or School of their major or through the Center for Academic Excellence if they are undeclared.) Failure to complete the semester may have an effect on the financial aid funds disbursed to a student’s account and paid to cover tuition, fees, bookstore charges, campus housing costs, or paid to the student as a refund. Students who withdraw before the 60% point in the semester will have a “pro rata reduction” in the amount of financial aid disbursed. The federal regulations expect students to “earn” the use of funds for attending the “entire” semester. The percentage of the semester that was not attended becomes the percent of funds that may need to be returned. This reduction will leave an unpaid balance owed to the University on the student’s account BUT student loans will be reduced with their lender and other aid funds will be returned to the program accounts for possible use in the summer semester.

Failure to complete the semester and failure to “officially” withdraw is considered an “unofficial withdrawal”. Failure to complete the courses in the semester will result in a grade of F. Faculty are requested to report the last day of class attendance (LDA) or participation in a class project or activity to allow the Financial Aid Office to calculate the percentage of the course the student completed. When no LDA is provided, the 50% point or mid-term date is used to determine the amount of aid to be returned to the federal or state programs. The longer students attend, the lower the amount of funds to be returned and the amount owed MUW will also be less.

Withdrawal Effect on Course Grade

Withdrawing by the last day to withdraw without receiving a grade results in a grade of W on the student record, which does not calculate in the GPA. Withdrawing after that date, but by the last day to completely withdraw from the university, results in a grade of WP or WF. WP grades do not affect GPA, but WF grades do calculate into the GPA, the same as a grade of F. The withdrawal dates and deadlines are published in the Academic Calendar.