Feb 09, 2025  
2020-2021 Student Handbook 
2020-2021 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Housing and Residence Life

Residential living is an integral part of the collegiate experience.  National studies have found that students who live on campus participate in a greater number of co-curricular activities, interact more frequently with faculty and peers in informal settings, illustrate higher graduation rates, and are more significantly satisfied with their institution and collegiate experience.        

The residence hall program is designed to provide students with opportunities for cultural, recreational, social, and academic growth as well as enabling students to develop leadership skills.

The staff members who work for The W’s Office of Housing and Residence Life are committed to helping students resolve any concerns that may arise during their time in housing.  Please do not hesitate to contact any of our staff.


Office                                                                                                   Office Phone

Housing and Residence Life Office (M-F 8am-5pm)                          (662) 329-7127

Counseling Services (M-F 8am-5pm)                                                 (662) 329-7748

University Police (In Case of emergencies)                                        (662) 241-7777 


The Office of Housing and Residence Life is overseen by the Director who has several support staff in place to assist with the daily operations.  Staff includes one Assistant Director, two Residence Hall Directors, one Coordinator of Housing Operations and numerous student staff.

The Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Life oversees the daily housing operation.  The Residence Hall Directors work with the Assistant Director in the management of each residence hall and its student staff.  Student staff members are comprised of Resident Advisors (RAs) and Desk Assistants (DAs). Resident Advisors are assigned to various areas where they live on the floors with the residents of that area and serve as peer educators/peer counselors in helping residents connect to the campus. Desk Assistants are assigned to the front desk of each residence hall and serve as resources for students living in that building.

There are two areas on campus-North Campus which includes Callaway, Columbus, Grossnickle, and Hastings-Simmons Halls. Jones Hall and Kincannon Hall make up South campus.  Each residence hall has a desk operation that runs from 10:00am-1:00am (Sunday through Saturday) that serves as the main point of contact for housing questions after normal university business hours and visitation check-in.


Living in the residence halls provides countless opportunities for involvement.  RAs plan initiatives for each floor and building, provide opportunities for leadership development, social activities and educational activities.  Your involvement is limited only by your desire and initiative.  The residence halls provide a great environment to make the most of your experience at The W.

Residence Hall Activities

The staff of each building sponsors a variety of community development, cultural, educational, recreational, and community service initiatives.  Many times your RA will host an event designed especially for the floor you live on.  RAs should solicit ideas from residents but as a resident you should feel free to share your ideas for events/programs openly as well.  With that, feel free to join your RA and/or plan a program that your RA can help you with.

You are encouraged to become involved in the many activities that occur in your building.  Not only will you learn some new and valuable information, you will also meet many interesting people who may become your closest friends.    



Cable television is available in every residence hall room.  Students need to bring a cable cord in order to access the cable in the room.    


All MUW students have the capability to register for a university email account.  This account will be the official email correspondence that Office of Housing and Residence Life will use to contact you.   


On a daily basis custodial staff will clean all public areas-bathrooms, corridors, study rooms, lounges, and lobbies of the residence halls.  All residents are responsible for the cleanliness of their own rooms, bathrooms, and the common areas in the suites. Rooms and bathrooms must be left clean upon termination of occupancy. Failure to do so will result in a cleaning charge. 


If a student wishes to have personal property insurance, they may be covered by their parent’s home policy or they may take out an insurance policy through an insurance company. The university is not responsible for damage to or loss of personal property in the residence halls due to fire, flood, theft, interruption of water, heat/air conditioning, electricity, cable television, internet access, elevators or other utilities and/or other causes.  Thefts, damage to property, etc. should be reported to Office of Housing and Residence Life and a report should be filed with The W’s Police Department. 

Internet Service

High-speed access to the university’s campus network is provided to each student residing on campus.  This network provides access to the Internet, email, library, and other services. Each residence hall is equipped with wireless internet. Information on connecting to the Internet is available at the ITS office in McDevitt Hall. Personal routers are not permitted in the residence halls.


Washers and dryers are located in all residence halls.  There is no charge for laundry usage.  However, it is very important that students remove their clothing from the washers and dryers immediately upon completing their cycle. Laundry services are to be used by residence hall students only. Dyes of any kind are not permitted in the washing machines. For the convenience of other students and the safety of your property, clothes should not be left unattended.  Anyone violating this policy is subject to disciplinary action. 

Maintenance Requests

All maintenance requests should be reported to the RA of your residence hall. Unless the maintenance request is an emergency, ten (10) working days should be allowed for repairs. In the case of an emergency situation (flooded room, broken window, overflowing sink, or toilet, etc.) please report the problem to the RA; however, in the event, the RA is unavailable, contact either the Residence Director or the Office of Housing and Residence Life so that the Physical Plant can be contacted immediately. In case the emergency situation takes place after hours, contact the front desk of your area or The W Police Department.

Package Service

All packages sent to campus for residential students (FedEx, UPS, and DHL) will be delivered to the University Mail Services.  Once a package has been delivered, proper notification will be sent to the student via text message and/or email.  At that time, the student can present a picture ID to the University Mail Services staff members in Hogarth Student Union to obtain his/her package during normal business hours.    


Due to lack of storage space on campus, students wishing to store their belongings over the summer break are encouraged to contact storage units in the city of Columbus.


No phones are provided in the student rooms or common areas. Students wishing to have personal phones should contact a cell phone distributor.  Office of Housing and Residence Life may ask for a telephone number in order to reach you for urgent matters.  However, keep in mind, that another means of communication may be less likely to get urgent information in a timely manner.    

Vending Services

Coin-operated vending machines containing snack foods and beverages are located in all residence halls with the exception of Hastings-Simmons Hall. Any loss of money in vending machines should be reported to the University Accounting Office located in Welty Hall on the 1st Floor.


All residential students can sign up for an MUW mailbox in the post office located in Hogarth Student Center.  All official mail correspondence from the Office of Housing and Residence Life will be delivered to the W-Box unless it is an urgent matter.  Students wishing to use another address need to contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life to notify of any changes.  


Your residency with us as a student begins with the assignment process. Whether you are a new student or a returning student, this information should help answer most questions pertaining to securing a room assignment. Please note that while the following sections will give a better understanding of the assignment process, this is not a full list of the housing contract conditions and students are encouraged to read the contract.

General Room Assignments

Once a student applies for housing and has completed the application process, they are assigned to a space within the residence hall that best fits their class standing and/or request. Students that would like to live together as roommates must request each other on their housing applications or during Room Renewal to be accommodated. There are no guarantees on requests for private rooms and all efforts will be made to offer private rooms as they become available during the consolidation process.    

Check-in Procedures

Upon move-in, students will be emailed a Room Condition Report (RCR), their key and will have an ID or will get their ID made upon check-in.  Students will be escorted to their room and will be greeted by their RA who will help walk them through the RCR process if needed.  This is not a time for students to swap rooms. 

Private Rooms

When space permits, a student may request a private room for an additional charge being placed on their student account. The Office of Housing and Residence Life will attempt to honor all requests for private rooms; however, the university reserves the right to consolidate private rooms should crowded conditions exist. Students will be contacted prior to any consolidation. Private rooms will be granted to students in accordance to date and time housing application is received in the Office of Housing and Residence Life office.


The Office of Housing and Residence Life may assign a third occupant to a double room when the need arises. Normally, the third occupant in a double room will be reassigned once open spaces become available on campus. 

Yet to be Assigned List

There may be times when the Office of Housing and Residence Life reaches its housing capacity.  In these instances, students wishing to live on campus will be placed on a “yet to be assigned” list and are assigned as space opens in the summer.  These students are assigned based on their original priority number (date that completed application was received by Office of Housing and Residence Life).  No guarantee of housing and/or roommate preference can be honored for students placed on this list.    

Reallocation of Space

Every year, due to changes in the student body and special interest groups that need housing, the Office of Housing and Residence Life reevaluates current housing patterns and reallocates space accordingly.

Medical Documentation for Special Housing

Students at MUW who are requesting special housing because of a medical or psychiatric condition must first submit appropriate documentation of the condition to the Student Support Specialist in the Student Success Center, located in Reneau Hall. The student’s physician or therapist should provide justification of the requested accommodation if this is not evident from the provided documentation. 

Decisions regarding eligibility for these requests can be reached only after appropriate documentation of the diagnosis and supporting data have been received.  Students requesting this special housing should provide this documentation as soon as possible because of the time required to respond to individual requests.  Requests for special housing accommodations are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and receipt of the documentation does not guarantee that the accommodation will be granted.    

Room Consolidation

Room consolidation is the process in which during the first 14 days of the semester, any student who becomes the sole occupant of a room may receive a written notice from the Office of Housing and Residence Life indicating to the student that they must do one of the following:

  • Find a new roommate. The Office of Housing and Residence Life will provide a list of students looking for roommates.
  • Be reassigned a new room or roommate.
  • Claim the room as a private with the added private room charge being placed on the student account. Students who do not respond to the written notification in the first 14 days will, at the discretion of the Office of Housing and Residence Life, either be:
  • Reassigned a different room.
  • Assigned a new roommate.

The Office of Housing and Residence Life will make the final decision on all moves during room consolidation.  In the event that room consolidation occurs within a learning community, themed housing and/or other special interest housing, Office of Housing and Residence Life will work in cooperation with the respective department, social club, faculty, and/or staff member to ensure the best overall consolidation plan for that community.   

Room Changes

It is the philosophy of the Office of Housing and Residence Life that room changes are not the answer to all roommate problems.  An important aspect of the collegiate experience is living and learning with different types of people with varying interests and traits.  Residents working together, with the assistance of their RAs, can help solve problems.  This experience can benefit everyone involved and in the end, residents will be better equipped to work with different types of people. 

Room changes may not occur without the consent of Office of Housing and Residence Life. All requests must be submitted to the Residence Director of the building which you are wanting to move to.  The Residence Director will then be in contact with the residents on rooms available. Anyone changing rooms improperly will be subject to disciplinary action and/or charges.

In the event there are roommate/suitemate issues and a resident wish to change their room assignment, and all courses of mediation have been exhausted, the person requesting the move will be responsible for moving out of the room unless it has been determined that the result of the move is due to behavioral issues on the part of a roommate/suitemate.  In these situations, the Residence Director, reserves the right to make the final room change.

No room changes will occur within the first two weeks of the semester or within the last two weeks of the semester. This allows the Office of Housing and Residence Life to establish where spaces are/are not available.    

Cancellation of Housing Contract

The Office of Housing and Residence Life housing contract is a nine-month contract that begins with the start of classes in the fall semester and ends with commencement in the spring semester. Students who sign the housing contract are required to live in a residence hall for both the fall and spring semesters if the student is enrolled at the university. Exceptions to this housing contract policy include those students who are fulfilling the requirements of their academic program through an internship, graduating, marriage, or withdrawing from the university (see the housing contract for specific details).

Individuals who wish to file an appeal for the above stated reasons need to submit a written cancellation request to the Director of Housing and Residence Life.  Any appeals must include rationale with supporting documentation.  Any appeal that does not include this information will not be considered by the appeals committee.  The appeals committee will hear all contract appeals and will make the final decision. No appeals will be accepted after the deadline date specified each Fall. This committee meets as needed.

If a student withdraws from the university or drops all courses during the semester, they must notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life in writing to cancel their residence hall contract. They must check out of the residence hall within 48 hours of withdrawal from the university. A student should bring a copy of the university withdrawal form to the Office of Housing and Residence Life to begin the cancellation process.    

Remember the housing contract is a legally binding contract that is in effect for the entire academic year. Once a student moves into the residence halls, he/she will not be refunded for any housing charges.

Termination of Contract by the University

The university reserves the right to terminate the housing contract of a student at any time. The university will attempt to give advance notice of such termination, but such advance notice shall not be required.  Reasons for termination include (but are not limited to) disciplinary action that results in suspension and/or expulsion; health and safety concerns reported by appropriate personnel/faculty and/or staff; and building closings due to extenuating circumstances (i.e. natural disasters, building issues, etc.).    

Check-out procedures

A resident who wishes to move out of their residence hall room for any reason (withdrawal, room change, etc.) must officially check out of their current room assignment by:

  • Having the room checked for cleanliness and damages by an RA or Office of Housing and Residence Life staff member.
  • Completing and signing the Room Condition Report (RCR) that will be emailed to the student.
  • Returning the room key to an RA or the Office of Housing and Residence Life staff member that checked the room.

Charges will be assessed to cover the cost of improper check-out procedures; services required to remove personal belongings; and damages/cleaning (labor and/or replacement cost) that has resulted from a resident’s actions. The university will not be held responsible for loss of or damage to personal items left in a room. Any charge a student incurs must be paid before the student re-enters the university or receives official transcripts from The W.

If a student is checking out of a room due to a room change, they must also properly check in to their new assignment.  Student will receive a new room key and new room condition report. The RA will go over the new room condition report with the student.

Students checking out at the end of an academic term must do so within 24 hours after their last final exam. Any exceptions to this rule must be cleared through their Residence Director. 

Please note that RAs do not decide the condition/outcome of whether a charge will be assessed for a room or not.  That is the discretion of the Residence Director and all appeals are heard by the Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Life.    


You may have come to campus having never shared a room with someone else.  Being a good roommate and enjoying living with a roommate will depend upon your ability to listen, communicate, and to compromise. Obviously, you and your roommate are individuals with special interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes.  It is not essential that you each share similarities in every aspect of college life in order to be good roommates.  As with any relationship, conflicts will arise.  How you handle those conflicts will determine your success! 

One of the most rewarding aspects of Office of Housing and Residence Life is the opportunity to establish close friendships with people from a variety of backgrounds. Whether the roommate is a close friend from home or whether you are meeting for the first time, the roommate relationship can work and even be fun. For many, sharing a room is a new experience and can sometimes result in a few misunderstandings. It is important to realize that not only do you have a roommate, but you are a roommate. Getting along usually requires work, but the benefit of establishing friendships makes the work worthwhile. Even if a lifelong friendship is not established, learning to respect each other’s differences without infringing on one another’s freedom can be a valuable part of your education.   

You and Your Roommate

Learning and living in close quarters with a person you do not know very well presents a challenge for you: to create an atmosphere between you that permits studying, relaxation and sleeping to occur, privacy needs to be met, and perhaps even a deep friendship to develop. All of the above are more likely to happen if the two of you communicate openly and listen willingly. Start by becoming acquainted with each other’s background, attitudes, habits and moods so you know what to expect of each other. Keep in mind that your roommate will not be a carbon copy of you. There will be differences. You both need to adjust, accommodate, and compromise.  

Hints to Make It Work

  • Communicate - The key to a successful relationship with your roommate is communication. Sit down and talk about habits, preferences, moods, and values.  
  • Be understanding - Everyone has those days when everything seems to go wrong and bad moods are a result. Try to be understanding and help one another through the hard times.  
  • Establish “House” rules - To avoid misunderstandings, it’s important to establish ground rules regarding each other’s belongings, room cleaning (it’s a wide spectrum between neat-freak and total slob), phone use, and visitation.  
  • Give each other some space - Togetherness is great, but you can have too much of a good thing. Consider your roommate’s need for time alone and establish your own quiet time.

Roommate/Suitemate Agreement

If you find that you and your roommate and/or suitemates could use some help getting a discussion of issues started, your RA can help.  He or she can provide you with a “Roommate Agreement” or a “Suitemate Agreement” to complete.  This agreement will focus your discussion on areas of potential conflicts and help you and your roommate come to mutual solutions.


As a residential student, there will be times when you will face questions and/or situations that need to be answered and/or addressed.  Whenever there are any concerns, we encourage you to talk with your roommate first. If that is unsuccessful, please approach your RA to communicate these issues/questions.  The RA is a valuable resource who can put you in contact with the appropriate university personnel and/or direct you to the appropriate department.  Also, the RA can be a general guide in assisting you with questions concerning the campus, the city of Columbus and/or the residence hall in general.  If you feel that the RA is not addressing your concerns, please contact the Residence Director of your area to address any concerns.    


In the Office of Housing and Residence Life, we are looking to the students to govern themselves, to educate themselves, to promote service and activism.  Furthermore, we are looking to student leaders, such as yourself, to help lead by being examples (i.e. pillars of the community). 

Every community must have a basic framework within which all members are expected to live cooperatively. The residence hall setting presents a special kind of living situation where students are living in close and constant contact. In this special living situation, it is most important that all residents be informed and respect the guidelines that help maintain a harmonious environment. 

As a member of the residence hall family, you are responsible for becoming aware of and observing all published rules affecting your status with the university.  Residence hall students are expected to follow the “Code of Student Conduct.” In addition, students are expected to comply with directives from the Office of Housing and Residence Life administrators and student staff. Failure of students to cooperate with any member of the Office of Housing and Residence Life staff when acting as representatives of the university will result in disciplinary action ranging from an educational sanction to eviction from housing residence halls.


Resident Bill of Rights

  • Right to be respected.
  • Right to a clean environment.
  • Right to free access to one’s room.  
  • Right to personal privacy.
  • Right to host a guest/visitation
  • Right to address grievances.
  • Right to be free from fear of intimidation.
  • Right to contribute freely in the exchange of ideas.
  • Right to expect timely communication of matters that pertain to residency.

Right to be respected

As a resident at The W, you are a respected individual on campus, including in your residence hall.  This respect should be expected at all times.  With this, however, comes the expectation that you will also respect others and the expectations of living in a community.  

One of these expectations is acting in a manner which allows others the quiet enjoyment of the residence hall. Residents are to avoid causing excessive noise and/or disruptive behavior. All persons who are present in the residence halls between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. will be expected to observe quiet hours. Reasonable quiet hours are expected at all times and are strictly enforced. It is your right, as well as your responsibility, to let offenders know if their activities are in violation of quiet hours. During Finals Week, each semester, there will be 24-hour quiet hours to allow for an atmosphere conducive for studying purposes.   

Students may play stereos, radios, computers, video games, TVs, VCRs, DVDs and musical instruments within the confines of their room. Students, while utilizing their equipment, are required to respect their floor members’ rights not to be disturbed. Amplifiers, subwoofers, and speaker system use are not permitted in residence hall rooms.

Any time you feel that the noise level is unacceptable, please address the situation with the person who is making the noise.  However, if the situation escalates or your request is ignored, please contact your RA to address the situation.

Students found making excessive noise will receive a verbal warning from their RA and have the incident documented. After a verbal warning has been issued, the student will be subject to further disciplinary action if they continue to be found making excessive noise. Disciplinary action may include the student removing any musical instruments or electronic and/or sound equipment involved in this policy violation. 

Right to a clean environment

As a resident, you are entitled to a clean room and living environment.  Anytime you feel that there are problems that are under the control of the university, please contact your RA with your concern.  If the issue is due to a roommate/suitemate issue, you should try to address the issue with the individual(s); however, in the event that the situation escalates and/or is ignored, please contact your RA.   

Residents are responsible for what occurs in their rooms and for keeping their living quarters free of safety and sanitary hazards for congenial group living. Reasonable sanitary conditions must be maintained at all times.    

The university reserves the right to inspect, maintain and repair all residence hall rooms at any time. If the inspection reveals objects that constitute safety or sanitary hazards, the owners will be required to remove them. 

Residents will be assessed service charges and/or repair costs whenever masking tape, adhesive picture holders, nails, thumb tacks, decals, etc., cause damage to walls and doors as well as other wood and metal surfaces in student rooms and public areas.   

In the event that room repairs are needed, students are to write up a maintenance report form found at every RA’s door and deposit it directly to the RA and/or under the RA’s door or complete one in the Office of Housing and Residence Life main office. When making a maintenance request, students should be very specific as to the location and nature of the problem. The maintenance staff will exercise reasonable care while cleaning and repairing rooms, but the university is not responsible for personal items that are lost, damaged or stolen. Also see Section 10.13, General Housing Policies A-Z for “Health and Safety Checks.”   

Right to free access to one’s room

Every resident is entitled to free access to their room and personal belongings at all times.  However, there will be times when the university is closed and/or emergencies exist that may prevent the immediate access to your room/belongings.  During these times, you are to contact the front desk of your area for access to the Residence Director on duty.    

Upon check-in, one room key/access card is issued to each resident. The key is the responsibility of the resident and must be returned upon check-out. The resident will bear the financial responsibility for any lost key/access card.  If a key is lost or stolen, you are responsible for reporting it to your RA and for paying to have the lock changed.  If your ID access card is lost or stolen, you are responsible for reporting it to The W Police Department, located in McDevitt Hall and paying for a replacement.  If there are any issues with access after receiving your ID, please contact the office of Office of Housing and Residence Life. 

The following policy applies to students who get locked out of their rooms. This policy is in effect as a safeguard for both you and the university:

  • Student room doors will be opened only for the occupant(s) of a room. If you are not known by the staff member, you may be required to show some form of picture identification.
  • Custodians will not unlock your room for you. You will be referred to an RA or RD.
  • If residents are locked out of their room at any time, they should contact their RA. If a staff member is not immediately available, the resident should contact the main office of Office of Housing and Residence Life during normal business hours.  After normal business hours, the RD on duty should be contacted by The W Police Department.  
  • In the event of a lockout, the first time is free.  However, repeated lockouts will result in a fine of $5.00. This includes lockout of student rooms and entrances to the building in which they live. 

Right to Personal Privacy

All due respect is given to the privacy that residents enjoy in their own rooms. Occasionally, circumstances present themselves which necessitate authorized university personnel to enter a student’s room. Authorized staff has the right of entry into a student’s room for purposes of repair and maintenance, assessment of damages, inventory of university property, determination of violations of public health and sanitary regulations, compliance with university rules, regulations and policies, and emergencies where imminent danger of life, safety, health, or property is reasonably suspected. When possible, advance notice of need for entry will be given to the student occupants.  Also see “health and safety checks” in the general housing policies section.

Right to host a guest/visitation

Residents are entitled to have guests visit them in the residence hall.  This visitation is subject to certain rules and/or procedures. Visitation is defined as the time when non-residents of that room are allowed to visit the room of their host. The hours of visitation are from 10:00am to 1:00am (Sunday through Saturday) in all residence halls.  Guidelines for visitation are as follows:

  • Guests must be 18 years of age or older after 9pm unless they are MUW students.
  • Guests are required to produce official picture identification when asked by university staff and must have a valid ID on their person at all times.  Failure to comply will result in removal from the hall, the MUW campus, and possible loss of future visitation.  All guests must always be escorted by host resident.
  • Each host/hostess will be limited to two (2) guests at a time. Guests must enter and exit through the front door and are not allowed in stairwells other than for emergency situations.
  • Residents may not check-in friends, family members or classmates for other residents who have lost visitation privileges. 

Visitation Policy

Mississippi University for Women considers the safety and security of students, employees, and guests to be a minimal prerequisite for the establishment of a residential learning environment. It is the intention of the university to allow on-campus residents visitation freedoms and privileges while taking every precaution and effort to ensure a safe and secure residential environment. It is also the intention of the university to take whatever action may be needed to prevent, correct, and if necessary, discipline behavior that violates this policy. Questions should be referred to the Department of Housing and Residence Life.

Host & Guest Expectations

  • For the purpose of this policy, a guest is defined as any individual who is not a resident, as assigned by the Office of Housing and Residence Life, of the residence hall being visited. Guest excludes university employees or contractors in the official performance of their duties.
  • Guests traveling with a resident within the residence hall must properly check in with the front desk. Guest must show a government issued picture ID, such as MUW student ID or driver’s license, at the front desk in order to check in. Desk attendant will collect the name, student ID number or driver’s license #, host name, room number, and contact number(s).
  • Residents may register up to 2 guests at a time during visitation hours (10:00am-1:00am/Sunday through Saturday).
  • Prior to the end of visitation hours, hosts must escort guest(s) to the front desk to check out. This must be completed prior to 1:00AM which is the end of visitation.
  • Residents are required to check in with the front desk prior to visiting a resident of the opposite gender. The guest resident must be escorted by the host resident at all times and will be required to check out at the front desk at the conclusion of visitation hours.
  • Guests must only enter/exit the residence halls by way of the main lobby door(s). Entry/exit through other doors is strictly prohibited.
  • Hosts will be responsible for all actions of the guest. Guests are required to adhere to all policies of the Office of Housing and Residence Life and Mississippi University for Women. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in referral to the Residence Director.
  • Visitation log will remain at the front desk in each residence hall:
  • Once guest returns, the date and time of checkout will be recorded.
  • Approved Lobby Door Locations:

A). Grossnickle Hall - First floor front entrance entering to main lobby.

B). Callaway Hall - Front entrance facing College Street and Back Entrance facing Parking Lot.

C). Columbus Hall - Front entrance facing College Street and Back Entrance facing Parking Lot.

D). Hasting/Simmons Hall - Front entrance by Shattuck Hall & Back Entrance facing Parking Lot.

E). Jones Hall - Front Entrance entering main lobby.

F). Kincannon Hall - Front Entrance entering main lobby.

Registering an overnight guest of the same gender

  • Residents wishing to host a guest for an overnight visit must complete an Overnight Guest Registration Form on your eRezLife profile by no later than 10:00pm of the night prior to the first night of the visit. The form will require the name, contact number, and approval of the host resident; the name, contact number, date of visitation, and approval of the guest (upon arrival); signature of roommates/suitemates.
  • Residents are allowed overnight guests of the same gender who have been properly registered for a maximum of 4 nights during a given month.
  • The host must meet the guest in the main lobby of the residence hall and escort the guest at all times.
  • Hosts shall be responsible for all actions of the guest. Guests are to adhere to all policies of Housing and Residence Life and Mississippi University for Women. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in referral to the Residence Director.
  • The Office of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to remove any guest from the residence halls.

Remember that as an assigned occupant of the room, you are responsible for the behavior of guests and visitors in your room. You can only occupy and place belongings in your assigned room.  Residents must allow residence hall staff entrance into their room during a social gathering to ensure adherence to all university policies and procedures. Refusal to allow entry into the room could result in the involvement of The W Police Department as well as serious disciplinary action. 

Right to address grievances

As a resident, you have the right to address any issue that you feel is warranted.  As a member of the community, you need to let your RA know of any problems that are not being addressed so they can direct you were to follow through with your grievance. 

Right to be free from fear of intimidation

As a resident, you are entitled to enjoy your room assignment without fear of intimidation from any potential roommate/suitemate.  Behavior which attempts to force a roommate out of a room, and behavior which discriminates against a current roommate or against a newly assigned occupant will be considered by the university to be sufficient grounds for reassigning the existing occupants. In matters where there are roommate and/or suitemate disagreements, Office of Housing and Residence Life will work with the students through mediation including the use of a roommate/suitemate agreement.  Any resident found guilty of intimidating and/or disruptive behaviors that would violate the agreement may have to move or pay additional charges for any unoccupied space.    

Residents engaging in disruptive behavior (i.e., physical abuse, fighting, malicious destruction of property, uncontrolled horseplay, water fights, sports in the hallways, pranks, other rough play, etc.) that could endanger their own health and safety and/or that of other residents and guests will be subject to disciplinary action that could include (but is not limited to) immediate suspension from the residence halls. 

Obscene conduct and public profanity will not be tolerated. Furthermore, Office of Housing and Residence Life respects and celebrates the diversity of residents housed therein. Statements of intolerance and/or harassment due to race, ethnicity, sex, religion, disability, or sexual orientation are not appropriate and will not be tolerated. Violations will be subject to disciplinary action. 

Loitering in the residence halls by persons who are not residents of that hall is prohibited.  Guests must be accompanied by a resident host.  Guests in the main lobby must be there for the specific purpose of visiting an identifiable resident. 

Right to contribute freely in the exchange of ideas

Residents have the right to have open discourse in the exchange of ideas within the educational setting.  While some views may not be as popular as others, each resident is entitled to be able to contribute freely in the community.  However, this free exchange cannot come at the harm of another.  This includes inciting violence and/or acts of intimidation towards others.    

Right to expect timely communication of matters that pertain to residency

There will be times when Office of Housing and Residence Life will need to make adjustments to your residency status.  This may include room consolidation, roommate changes and/or new assignments.  In these times, Office of Housing and Residence Life will provide timely communication with you to ensure that you are not surprised at the last minute. 

However, as residents, you are required to comply or cooperate with any university staff member’s reasonable request. A university staff member is defined as any university employee, including all residence hall staff.   Any behavior viewed as failing to cooperate, comply and/or interfere with a university staff member while in the performance of his or her duty also may result in disciplinary action. 


Part of the obligation of living in a community is to help safeguard the living environment. Literally hundreds of people, both residents and non-residents, have access to the halls. Because of this, you are encouraged to keep your room locked at all times when you are not in it and also to report people who seem to be tampering with locks, walking thru building unescorted, etc., to a staff member.  In respecting one’s self and the community in which they live, there are certain procedures in place to ensure your successful persistence as a student.    


Office of Housing and Residence Life staff works hard to provide the safest environment possible in the residence halls.  In return, you are asked to take the time to think about your own safety by considering the policies and procedures outlined in this document. Remember to report all suspicious behavior to both The W Police Department and Office of Housing and Residence Life staff.   The W Police Department is located in McDevitt Hall and can be reached through the blue phones on campus or by calling (662) 241-7777.    

Key things to remember:

  • Never lend your keys or ID card to anyone.
  • Never prop open or tamper with security locked doors.
  • Always lock your residence hall room door.
  • Never open a locked exterior door for anyone.

If you lose your keys or ID card, report them immediately to The W Police Department and to an Office of Housing and Residence Life staff member.


The W is committed to ensuring the campus community receives timely and accurate information in the event of a confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus involving an immediate threat to the health and safety of the students and employees. The University uses the emergency notification system through Blackboard Connect to provide alerts via W-Alert. This is The W’s emergency notification service available to all students, faculty and staff. It can be used to send emergency messages within minutes of the occurrence of an incident. Once the emergency notification has been made, more detailed follow-up information will be released to the campus community.

Steps to enroll to receive W-Alerts or to update contact information:

  1. In a web browser, go to The W’s home page, http://www.muw.edu
  2. Click on the Banner Web icon on the top right hand side of the home page.
  3. Enter your Banner ID (user ID) and pin then click the “Login” button.
  4. Click the “Personal Information” tab on the left hand side of the page.
  5. Click on “W Alert Text Messaging Opt In/Out.
  6. Enter your cell phone number with area code and select “Opt-In” as Participation Level.
  7. Then click the “Submit” button.


An easily downloaded emergency information app can be found at your smartphone’s app store. We encourage you to download it and use it as a reference in the event of an emergency. By clicking on an icon, you can easily retrieve information about what to do in specific circumstances. These circumstances include: active shooter violence/hostage, bomb threat, demonstration/disgather, earthquake, evacuation, facility/building emergencies, lockdown, medical emergency, natural gas safety, shelter-in-place, smoke or fire, suspicious mail/package and tornado or severe weather.

How to download app:

  • Go to your smartphone’s App Store.
  • Download “Schooldude CrisisManager” app to your smartphone.
  • Open app and follow instructions to create an account.
  • Once you have entered the app, click on the blue + at the top of the right of the page.
  • Wait for the list of crisis plans, then click to open the client plans.
  • Scroll to find Mississippi University for Women, click the + to open it.
  • Then download the emergency guidelines.
  • Open the guidelines.

Fire Prevention

The most important ingredient in preventing a fire is you. Below are residence hall policies and guidelines:

  • Candles, oil lamps, and other open-flame or continuous burning objects are not permitted (even for decoration purposes).
  • Students may not place or store furniture, trash or personal belongings in the hallways.
  • Keep posters and other combustible decorations to a minimum.
  • Incense is not permissible. Air freshener is acceptable as a plug-in or spray.
  • Check electrical cords and appliances to insure they are in proper working order.  Extension Cords are not allowed, only surge protectors can be used. Only one surge protector may be used per outlet (surge protectors may not be plugged into other surge protectors).    
  • Check electrical outlets and surge protectors to ensure they are not overloaded. Residence hall staff reserves the right to confiscate any electrical outlet or surge protector for health and safety reasons.
  • Stairwell, hallway and fire doors should never be propped open.   
  • Halogen lamps, lava lamps, multi-plug adapters, and bulbs are prohibited in resident rooms.
  • To avoid fire hazard, live Christmas trees are not permitted in your room or in the residence common areas. 
  • Low-heat bulbs and flame-retardant materials may be used to decorate your room.

Students violating any of the above guidelines will face disciplinary action. 

Fire and Safety Equipment

The State Fire Code prohibits anyone from tampering with fire and safety equipment in the residence halls or in any campus building. Tampering includes pulling false fire alarms, discharging fire extinguishers, removing exit signs, and interfering with smoke detectors. Interference with smoke detectors mandates immediate attention. Students responsible will be assessed for the damages and for the hourly rate of the repair person’s labor. All violators are subject to disciplinary action and possible criminal prosecution. The maximum civil penalty for malicious use of fire and safety equipment will be enforced.   

Fire Drill Procedures

The W residence halls are required to conduct periodic fire drills each semester. Failure to respond appropriately to fire alarms could result in disciplinary action against the resident(s) involved.  If a resident fails to respond to a fire alarm he/she may incur a fine as well as be subject to further disciplinary action. Office of Housing and Residence Life staff and University Police reserves the right to enter student rooms to locate the source of the problem and to ensure that everyone has evacuated the building. 

In case of a fire:

  • Sound the fire alarm.
  • Evacuate the building.
  • Call the MUW Police Department at extension (662) 241-7777.

When an alarm sounds:

  • Feel the door from top to bottom with your hands. If it is hot, do not open it!
  • If the door is cool, crouch low and open it slowly. If there is heavy smoke, close the door quickly.
  • If the hallway is clear, exit via the nearest stairwell.
  • Do not use the elevator.
  • If you encounter heavy smoke in the stairwell, do not proceed; but try to go to a different stairwell.
  • Once outside, gather with the rest of the residents in the predetermined meeting location for your building.

If trapped in a room:

  • Stuff towels or clothing under the door.
  • Open windows - attract someone’s attention.
  • Stay near the window for fresh air.

Tornado Drills

As a student at MUW, there will be times when a tornado warning goes into effect.  It is imperative that you react quickly, yet in an orderly fashion, when the tornado siren alarms.  

In the event of a tornado/hurricane warning (or other natural disaster):

  • Close all doors behind you as you move toward the center of the building.
  • Move to the appropriate location designated in each building.  
  • Lie face down with knees drawn under you and cover your head with your arms.
  • Wait for further instructions from university or residence hall staff.  

Keep the following in mind during a natural disaster:

  • Stay away from windows and glass doors.
  • Remain indoors until University Police, local law enforcement, or residence hall staff gives the “all clear” notice.
  • Do not walk in, play in or drive through flooded areas. Floodwater contains hidden hazards and may be deeper and faster moving than it appears. Wear sturdy shoes (e.g. sneakers) at all times.
  • Stay away from downed power lines.
  • Keep handy the telephone numbers of family and other contacts as well as a road map of your locality.
  • You may need to take alternative or unfamiliar routes if major roads are closed or clogged.
  • Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or local radio or TV stations for evacuation instructions.
  • If advised to evacuate, do so immediately! You will need to follow instructions from university and residence hall staff in the event of an evacuation.
  • If you are outside, move quickly inside to a sturdy building. Go to the basement if one is available or stay on lower floor.
  • If a building is not available, lie flat in a ditch or low-lying area.

Carbon Monoxide Detector/Gas Leak

The W residence halls are equipped with Carbon Monoxide Detectors. Failure to respond appropriately to an alarm could result in disciplinary action against the resident(s) involved. The Office of Housing and Residence Life staff and University Police reserves the right to enter student rooms to locate the source of the problem and to ensure that everyone has evacuated the building.

You can recognize a natural gas leak by a number of ways.


Smell for the distinctive “rotten egg” odor added to make natural gas detectable.


Listen for an unusual hissing of blowing sound near appliances, or gas lines.


Look for dense fog, blowing dirt, bubbling in water, dry spots in a moist area, or dead vegetation surrounded by green plans.


Carbon Monoxide Detector is sounding off:

  • Pull nearest Fire Alarm.
  • Leave area immediately.
  • When at a safe distance, Call 911 and Campus Police at (662)241-7777.

In the event you smell gas:

Interior Response:

  • If gas is smelled inside a building, pull the fire alarm to evacuate the building.
  • When you are a safe distance awary, call 911 and MUW Police at (662) 241-7777.
  • Columbus Fire and Rescue will arrive and make sure that everyone is evacuated.
  • 911 will call Atmos Energy and investigate the smell.
  • MUW Police will respond to make sure that no one enters the building.
  • After the investigation is completed, Columbus Fire and Rescue will notify MUW Police whether or not the building is safe to re-enter.

Exterior Response:

  • If gas is smelled outside of a building, call Campus Police at (662) 241-7777.
  • MUW Police will respond to the reported area.
  • MUW Police will contact 911 and report the smell of gas.
  • 911 will contact Atmos Energy and report the smell of gas.
  • Columbus Fire and Rescue along with Atmos Energy will respond and investigate the smell.


As a resident, you are entitled to utilize The W’s Counseling Services. This service is a free, brief, individual service with a counselor who can make referrals to appropriate mental health personnel if needed.    

There may be times when a professor, staff member and/or RA feels that you are in need of counseling attention.  This is not to assume that you need psychological help and/or medication; but rather, to refer you to counseling to address a behavior and/or a concern that has been observed.  Remember, that while you may talk to your RA about anything, the RA is not a licensed counselor and cannot keep certain information confidential to the resident only.  When residents try to physically harm themselves, with or without the intent to kill themselves, or verbalize their intent to kill themselves, or display any other psychologically inappropriate behavior, the RA must refer the situation to The W Counselors or the Director of Housing and Residence Life.

In case of medical emergencies, The W Police Department will be contacted to determine how seriously ill or injured the student is and will call emergency services for medical assistance if needed. University employees, including all residence halls staff, cannot transport residents to hospitals, doctor’s offices or clinics for medical assistance. Medical assistance can be obtained on campus at the Student Health Center.  Students who are capable of denying medical attention may do so at no liability to the university.  RAs must always contact the Residence Director on duty whenever a uniformed agent/agency is on campus for an incident in the residence hall (i.e. police, fire, medical personnel). 


While many housing policies are listed in other sections of this document, here are a few of the policies that have either not been mentioned or were not as defined as they are here.    

Administrative Room Changes

The Office of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to require single occupants living in double rooms to move into another room or to take a roommate for consolidation.    

Advertising in the Halls

All advertisements, fliers, and posters must be approved and submitted to the webmaster to be placed on the electronic message boards throughout the residence halls. If hard copies of the advertisements are requested to be hung in the halls, it must first be approved by the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Once stamped the advertisements will be turned over to the Residence Directors to be hung up.

Any signage that has not been approved by the Office of Housing and Residence Life will be taken down immediately.  Violators of the advertising policy may lose their opportunity to advertise future events. They also may face disciplinary action. 

Air Conditioners/Space Heaters

Individual air conditioners and/or heaters are not permitted in the residence halls at any time. Although all the halls are air conditioned, residents may wish to bring small fans for use in their rooms. 

Alcohol Policy

Mississippi University for Women is a dry campus.  No alcoholic beverages or alcoholic paraphernalia (empty alcoholic beverages used as decoration) are allowed in any of the residence halls at any time.  If any alcoholic beverages or paraphernalia are found in a room during safety room checks, the items will be confiscated and the student will be charged with violating the student code of conduct.  (See Section 7.6, Drugs and Alcohol Policy)


Balconies are closed and secured for the safety of all residents.  At no time can a student attempt to gain access to a balcony and/or roof of a residence hall. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include restitution for damages to secured doors/hatches. 


Bicycle includes every vehicle, other than a motor vehicle, designed to travel on not more than two wheels in contact with the ground and propelled by human power. Bicycles cannot be parked on ramps, stairwells, hallways or doorways and they may not block or prohibit the use of fire exits or hall entrances.  Bicycles may not be stored in your personal room or anywhere inside the residence hall.  Bike racks are available outside of each residence hall for the proper storage of your bike.  It is the resident’s responsibility to secure their personal bike to the rack.  The university is not responsible for damage or theft of bicycles while on campus.  At the end of each academic year, Office of Housing and Residence Life will require all residents to take their bikes home.  Two weeks after the close of the academic year, all bikes present on residence hall bike racks will be removed and properly disposed.  Any student wishing to keep their bike on campus during the summer must be enrolled in summer courses and/or must speak to the Office of Housing and Residence Life.    


The Office of Housing and Residence Life has the right to levy and collect fines for unauthorized use or alterations of rooms, equipment or halls as well as for other judicial situations calling for restitution and/or recovery of damages as well as fines.    

Computer Lab Usage

All residence halls have a computer lab that is located in the building for the use of residence hall students. If there is a maintenance problem with any of the computers or printers, please report it to the Office of Housing and Residence Life.

Tampering with the computers may result in disciplinary action, along with charges and/or assessment of repair and replacement costs.   

Priority for computer lab usage is given to residence hall students doing academic assignments. Students are strongly encouraged to be courteous to their peers in their usage of the computer lab. If there are any problems related to behavioral issues in the computer lab, please report them to a RA. 

Cooking and Appliance Policy

Due to the nature of residence hall living, the physical facilities of the halls, and the concerns for fire and safety standards, only microwave cooking is permitted in student rooms (unless your suite is equipped with a kitchenette). MicroFridges (combination microwave, refrigerator, and freezer) are provided and the proper use of the MicroFridge is the responsibility of each student. Students are not allowed to have an additional refrigerator/microwave in his/her room. Cooking appliances (such as percolators, toasters, toaster ovens, electric skillets, crock pots, and hot plates) are not allowed in student rooms. George Foreman grills or similar products are also not permitted.  Also see “fire prevention” in respect for self and community section.    

Damages and Vandalism

You are responsible for the condition of your room at all times. Furniture must remain in the same condition in the room as it was upon check-in. Upon check-in to the residence hall, a Room Condition Report (RCR) will be issued for your room.  This form should be filled out carefully when you move in because it is used to determine damages which occur during the year.  If you have any questions regarding the RCR and/or check-in/check-out process, please talk to your RA.  If damage other than normal wear and tear occurs, you will be charged for any repairs. 

The condition of public areas is the responsibility of all students.  Please help maintain these areas by treating them with care. Damages which occur in public areas will be paid for by those persons doing the damage but can be charged to entire wings, floors or building if no perpetrator is identified.  You can help keep your costs down by encouraging others to respect public areas and to assume responsibility for their actions.   

Door Propping

Propping entrance doors and other such actions that allow other students or strangers to gain access to any residence hall are not permitted. If you are caught propping any exterior door to a residence hall or give access to an unauthorized person, you will be subject to disciplinary action.    

Please note that the Office of Housing and Residence Life is not liable for any missing or damaged property as the result of leaving doors unlocked, allowing others access to your personal room or by leaving your property unattended in public spaces.  You are encouraged to secure your belongings at all times and to purchase renter’s insurance for any missing/damaged items prior to your arrival to campus. 

Drug Policy

Students must observe federal and state laws regarding the use and possession of illegal drugs. The university does not permit the sale, distribution, use or possession of illegal drugs on campus, nor the use or possession of drug paraphernalia (i.e., bongs, pipes, hookah pipes, roach clips, etc.). Prescription drugs are to be used only by the person to whom they are prescribed and must be clearly marked on all bottles/receptacles, etc. (See Section 7.6, Drugs and Alcohol Policy)

Entering and Exiting Buildings

Residents are allowed to exit the building through any door that has not been listed as a prohibited and/or emergency exit.  Residents may only enter through card accessible doors.  Residents allowing access to a building by violating the door propping policy or holding the door open for another person may be subject to disciplinary actions. 


Firearms and weapons are prohibited in the residence halls (See Section 4.9, Firearms Policy).

If you have any other questions on whether something is considered a weapon and/or is prohibited, please contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life at (662)329-7127 or The W Police Department (662)241-7777.


Fireworks are prohibited in or near the residence halls.  Any violations will be subject to disciplinary action. 


Residents may not remove furniture assigned to their room. Beds should not be on dressers or blocks, but should remain on the floor or in a bunked position. No waterbeds are allowed at any time. Residents may not bring other beds or chests other than university property into their room.   

Furniture placed in lounges and other public areas are for the use of all residents and may not be moved into your personal room and/or suite area. The university reserves the right to check rooms for furniture or other university property at any time such property is missing. Students found removing lounge furniture, study room furniture or any other university property will be subject to disciplinary action. 

Hall Closings/Exceptions to Stay

All residents are required to leave the residence halls during designated holiday recesses and semester breaks. Holiday recesses and semester breaks are not included in room and board fees.    

Housing may be provided for individuals who demonstrate an exceptional need to stay late, overnight or during an entire holiday recess or semester break after the halls close.   All exceptions must be approved by the Office of Housing and Residence Life.  Any student given an exception to stay is still subject to all policies and regulations of the student handbook.   

Health and Safety Checks

Office of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to administer health and safety checks of rooms, suites and halls at various times throughout the year.  These checks will be administered by RAs each month (September, October, November, February, March, and April) on the first Tuesday/Wednesday between noon and 9pm.  Any prohibited items found during these checks will be confiscated and policy violations will be documented.  Prohibited items include but are not limited to:  flammable items (candles, incense, fireworks, propane tanks, lighter fluid, etc.); weapons (See Section 4.9, Firearms Policy); alcohol (including empty bottles and paraphernalia); drugs (and drug paraphernalia); appliances (more than one refrigerator/microwave); George Foreman grills (or similar items); coffee makers; open heating elements; toaster ovens; halogen lights (or other high-intensity lamps); extension cords as permanent outlets; unauthorized furniture; waterbeds; road signs/public works signs from the MUW campus and/or local area; prohibited animals; lava lamps; space heaters; grills; etc.

The following will also be documented:

  • Excessive trash/extreme uncleanliness.
  • Obstruction/tampering of smoke detectors and/or fire alarms.
  • Overloading of outlets/unauthorized modifications to electrical fixtures.

Violations of these and other health and safety measures will result in disciplinary action. 


Lofts are available for rent through the Office of Housing and Residence Life.

Lounge/Lobby Usage

Hall lounges/lobbies are intended for the common use of residential students. Therefore, it is not acceptable for these areas to be used for storage; for furniture to be removed from these areas; and/or for these areas to be used for group activities that would infringe upon the rights of other residents to use these spaces. Groups may use these spaces with the consent of the Residence Director for events/programs.    


Fish are the only pets allowed in the residence halls. Aquariums must not exceed five gallons in size. Any violations of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.    

Room Decorating Policy

Office of Housing and Residence Life wants you to feel at home in your room and encourages you to decorate. In order to help maintain the condition of the rooms, certain rules must be observed when decorating:

  • Students are reminded that the use of nails or glue on walls is prohibited.  
  • Masking tape or command strips should be used to attach posters and pictures.  No scotch or duct tape should be used at any time.   
  • Permanent adhesives (double-sided masking tape, contact paper, etc.) are not to be used.  
  • Wall borders of any type are not permitted.
  • All items brought into the facilities during the year must be removed from the building at checkout.
  • All upholstered furniture brought into the student’s room must meet commercial fire code.

Smoking Policy

Mississippi University for Women is committed to promoting and providing a safe and healthy environment for its students, faculty, staff, visitors, vendors, volunteers, and contractors.

As part of this commitment MUW has a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy. Use of tobacco and simulated tobacco in all forms (including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, hookahs, pipes, blunts, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, and all other electronic smoking devices). (See Section 7.12, Tobacco-Free Campus Policy)


Soliciting (by persons not affiliated with The W) is not permitted in the residence halls.  Ask salespersons to leave the building if approached.  If they refuse, call The W Police Department to have them removed.  Any other forms of solicitation (fund-raising, etc.) must be approved by the Office of Housing and Residence Life.    


Goals of Discipline

It is the intent of the Office of Housing and Residence Life staff to build the foundation of an educational experience through the disciplinary process. It is our hope that through the process students will accept responsibility for their actions and redirect their behavior more positively in the future. 

The ultimate goal of the process is for students to learn to consider, in advance, the consequences of behavior and the impact it may have on themselves and others in the university community and making the appropriate decision based on that consideration. It is your responsibility to be familiar with contents of this handbook and the expectations it outlines for you as a student. 

The Conduct Process

Although the primary responsibility for conduct rests with you, the Office of Housing and Residence Life staff may initiate disciplinary procedures as appropriate.  The Office of Housing and Residence Life Conduct Process is as follows:

  • When an incident occurs within the residence halls, an incident report is completed by the person addressing the situation (this may be a uniformed agent, a student, a RA and/or any Housing and Residence Life staff member).
  • The student(s) involved in the violation will receive a letter to meet with the Residence Director within three (3) business days of the event to schedule a Housing Administrative hearing in which the student’s due process rights will be discussed.

The appeal process is as follows:

  • Incidents handled by Residence Director will be appealed to the Asst. Director of Housing and Residence Life.
  • Incidents handled by the Asst. Director of Housing and Residence Life will be appealed to the Director of Housing and Residence Life.
  • Incidents heard by the Director of Housing and Residence Life will be appealed to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

All appeals must be made in writing to the Office of Housing and Residence Life within 48 hours (2 working days) after meeting with the respective judicial officer hearing the case.


The Office of Housing and Residence Life administrators have jurisdiction over any residence hall policy violation, and/or individuals who allegedly violate said policies. Housing and Residence Life staff reserve the right to consult with the University Counsel when necessary. Violations of residence hall rules and regulations will be dealt with through sanctions that will be determined by:

  • Assessment of the seriousness of the violation.
  • Consideration of mitigating circumstances of the case.
  • The student’s previous disciplinary record, if entered into the hearing or incident report.
  • Consideration of previous cases bearing similarities in violation infractions.
  • Directing a sanction with substantial educational impact as to help the student understand the policy and prevent future violation.
  • Imposing sanctions or taking actions aimed at preserving the community while considering the victim’s rights.

The sanctions listed below will range in severity without specificity to the violation but to the individual student and case. This list is not inclusive of all possible sanctions:


  • First Offense- The student will attend a meeting with the Residence Director of their residence hall. The student will receive a warning and reminder of the policy.
  • Second Offense - The student will attend a meeting with the Residence Director of their residence hall. The student will be given an educational program from Judicial Educator (Module 7: Safe Living on a College Campus) and lose visitation for 2 weeks.
  • Third Offense - The student will attend a meeting with the Assistant Director for Housing and Residence Life. The student will receive an educational program from Judicial Educator (Module 3: Community Living) and lose visitation for 1 month.
  • Fourth Offense - The student will attend a meeting with the Director for Housing and Residence Life. The student will receive an educational program from Judicial Educator (Module 5: Personal Decision Making) and lose visitation for the semester.
  • Fifth Offense - The student will attend a meeting with the Vice President for Student Affairs. The student could possibly be removed from Housing and lose all Housing Fees (no refund).


  • First Offense - The student will receive a warning from RA(s) and incident will be documented in Maxient.
  • Second Offense - The student will receive a 2nd warning and incident will be documented in Maxient. Student will attend a meeting with the Resident Director and be reminded of the policy.
  • Third Offense - The student will attend a meeting with the Assistant Director for Housing and Residence Life. The student will receive an educational program from Judicial Educator (Module 3: Community Living) and could be moved to another floor/building.
  • Fourth Offense - Student will attend a meeting with the Director for Housing and Residence Life. Student could possibly be removed from Housing and lose all Housing Fees (no refund).

Common Area/Floor Vandalism:

  • First Offense - A work order will be placed by the RA and a floor/hall meeting will be conducted explaining the situation.
  • Second Offense - A work order placed by the RA and a floor/hall meeting will be conducted explaining the situation. The entire floor/hall will then be charged for 1st and 2nd occurrences divided among all residents.
  • Third Offense - A work order placed by the RA and a floor/hall meeting will be conducted explaining the situation. The entire floor/hall will then be charged for all occurrences divided among all residents.

Fire Safety

  • First Offense - The student will attend a meeting with the Residence Director of their residence hall. The student will receive an educational program from Judicial Educator (Module 10: Fire Safety). The item will be returned to the student at the meeting. The RD will let them know to take it home and not bring it back
  • Second Offense - The student will attend a meeting with the Assistant Director for Housing and Residence Life. The student will receive an educational program from Judicial Educator (Module 7: Safe Living on a College Campus). The item will be kept until the end of the semester at which time it will be given back to the resident when he/she checks out of the residence hall.
  • Third Offense - The student will attend a meeting with the Director for Housing and Residence Life. The student will receive an educational program from Judicial Educator (Module 5: Personal Decision Making). Student could possibly be removed from Housing and lose of Housing Fees (no refund).