Feb 17, 2025  
2015-16 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2015-16 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

4. Tuition and Expenses

The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning approved the following expenses.

4.1 Tuition and Fees

A portion of student tuition and fee charges is used for operating costs, including scholarships, tuition waivers, and other operating costs. It is the intent of the University to keep expenses at a minimum. The residence halls and food service must be self-supporting, and their fees are set according to costs.

2015-2016 Tuition
Capital Improvement
Mandatory Fee
Undergraduate Full-Time
(12-19 hours, per semester)
$2,840.50 $50.00   $2,890.50 $5,033.00 $7,923.50
Undergraduate Part-Time
(1-11 hours, per credit hour)
$236.83 $4.17  $241.00 $419.50 $660.50

Overload Tuition:

Undergraduate students taking more than 19 semester hours must pay an additional $236.83 per credit hour, plus $419.50 per credit hour Out-of-State Fee when applicable.


Late Registration $10
Change of Course (Drop/Add) - per change $10
On-line Course  - per credit hour $25

Updated tuition and fees, including summer school tuition are also published online (http://www.muw.edu/accounting/students/tuition).

4.2 Room and Board

Double Occupancy
Room and Board
Total per Term
Callaway, Jones & Kincannon Full Term $1,895.50 $1,400.00 $3,295.50
  per Accelerated Term $947.75 $700.00 $1,647.75
Grossnickle Full Term $1,942.50 $1,400.00 $3,342.50
  per Accelerated Term $971.25 $700.00 $1,671.25
Columbus & Hastings-Simmons Full Term $2,008.50 $1,400.00 $3,408.50
  per Accelerated Term $1,004.25 $700.00 $1,704.25
Single Occupancy
Callaway, Jones & Kincannon Full Term $3,313.00 $1,400.00 $4,713.00
  per Accelerated Term $1,656.50 $700.00 $2,356.50
Grossnickle Full Term $3,399.50 $1,400.00 $4,799.50
  per Accelerated Term $1,699.75 $700.00 $2,399.75
Columbus & Hastings-Simmons Full Term $3,510.50 $1,400.00 $4,910.50
  per Accelerated Term $1,755.25 $700.00 $2,455.25

Living expenses include housing and unlimited access to the cafeteria during serving hours plus $150 Bonus Bucks. Bonus Bucks can be used in the Subway Café, Simply to Go (Parkinson lobby) or to pay for guest meals in the cafeteria.

Full-time commuting students, attending classes on campus, will be assessed a mandatory $100 Bonus Bucks per semester.

4.3 Special Fees

Bypass Examination Fee

The fee of $125.00 must accompany the completed application for a bypass examination.

Advanced Placement and CLEP Recording Fees

A $25.00 fee per course must be paid before Advanced Placement or CLEP credit will be recorded on a student’s transcript.

Degree Audit Fee

A non-refundable fee is required of all students who apply for a degree by the deadline published on the Academic Calendar.  Applications for degrees are available in the Office of the Registrar. Should a student not complete graduation requirements for the term indicated, another application must be filed and another audit fee paid. Late fees may be assessed. See the Academic Calendar for deadlines.

Course Participation Fees

Non-refundable fees in addition to tuition are associated with some courses which require the use of special equipment, facilities or materials. These fees, which vary from course to course, will be listed in the schedule of classes each term and will be collected as part of registration.

4.4 Payment

All amounts owed will be due by the Registration Day for each term (see Academic Calendars  for these dates).

Students have two options for payment.

Option I: Payment in Full before or on registration day for the term of the classes being taken.

There are several methods available when making payment to your student account. You may:

  • Pay online through BannerWeb using a debit/credit card (Visa or Mastercard).
  • Mail a check to: University Accounting, 1100 College Street, MUW 1604, Columbus, MS 39701. Be sure to include your student id# on the check.
  • Call University Accounting at (662) 329-7210 and provide the cashier with your debit/credit card (Visa/Mastercard) information.
  • In person at our cashier window located on the first floor of Welty Hall. Payment can be made using cash, personal check, cashier’s check, money order, debit/credit card.

Checks made payable to the student may be used as payment for fees; however, the student must endorse the check and the entire check must be applied to their account.

In the unfortunate event that a check was written to the University and is returned unpaid for any reason by a bank, then the University will use all means necessary to collect payment of the check. The check amount will be charged back to the student’s account and that student will be responsible for payment of that check, regardless of who wrote the check (ie: parents, guardian, spouse, employer, etc.). A $20.00 returned check fee will be charged for each item returned from a bank, regardless of the reason it was returned.

Option 2: Mississippi University for Women has contracted with Tuition Management Systems, Inc., to offer annual (nine or ten payments) and semester (four or five payments) plans. The cost to the student for selecting the payment plan option with Tuition Management Systems, Inc. is an enrollment fee of $65.00 for the annual plan and $46.00 for a semester plan. No interest is charged on payment plans. Information about the payment plans is available from Tuition Management Systems, Inc. at www.afford.com. Or, contact them at (800) 722-4867 and talk with a professional payment counselor about the payment plan that is best for you.

The University reserves the right to cancel a student’s registration for nonpayment of tuition and fees for a previous enrollment period.

4.5 Adjustments to Charges / Refunds

Adjustments will only be made to the student’s account for classes added and/or registered for until the Last Day To Add And/Or Register For Classes as listed on the University’s Academic Calendar.

Adjustments to tuition are made for students who officially withdraw from the University as follows:

  100 % Refund 95% Refund
Full Fall and Spring Terms first 5 days days 6-10
Full Summer Term first 4 days days 5-6
Accelerated Fall and Spring Terms first 3 days days 4-5
Summer Session (5 weeks sessions) first 2 days  

Non-Attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal from the University. See Withdrawal Procedures in 2. General Student Policies and Practices  .

Students who withdraw from the University during the first two weeks of classes will have their living expenses pro-rated, based on actual residency. Per contract agreement, students who remain enrolled but withdraw from the residence hall will receive no refund of fees, and if they signed a two-semester contract, they will be billed again for housing in the spring semester as long as they are still enrolled at MUW.

4.6 Student Obligations

General Information

Accounts owed to the University must be cleared before the student will be allowed to preregister for subsequent terms. The University reserves the right to refuse transcripts, diplomas, degree verifications, and letters of good standing to students whose financial obligations have not been satisfied. Students who withdraw from the University are responsible for any balance remaining on their account.

Any student account that remains unpaid at the end of the term and is not paid within thirty days may be turned over to an outside collection agency. To cover the collection agency costs, a fee will be added to the amount owed by the student.

Identification Cards

All regularly enrolled students are issued an Identification Card during registration. Students must present their current MUW Identification Card before receiving refund checks from University Accounting. Also the inability to present a residential I.D. Card before entering the dining hall may result in the student having to pay for his/her meal.

Withdrawing students must surrender their I.D. cards to the Dean’s office when they complete the withdrawal form.  In addition, they must make final adjustments to their accounts with the University Accounting. The student may retain a Food Services I.D. and continue to eat in the cafeteria if prepayment has been made.

Replacement cards can be obtained from the Campus Card Office in McDevitt Hall. A lost I.D. card will be replaced upon payment of $25.00.

Parking Decal

Any individual who regularly operates or parks a motor vehicle or motorcycle on the campus and streets of Mississippi University for Women must register the vehicle and display the appropriate decal on or before the first day of classes or within twenty-four hours (excluding weekends and holidays) after it is first brought on the university campus or streets. A fee of $25.00 is charged for a parking decal.

Student Supplies

Books and other academic supplies may be secured at the University bookstore, which is located on the first floor of the Hogarth Student Center. The fees and expenses previously cited do not include the cost of these items.