Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

12. Courses

  • SOC 458 - Sociology of Low Income Groups

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Six semester hours in Human Behavioral Sciences or permission of the Department Chair of Psychology and Family Studies

    This course analyzes poverty and its accompanying lifestyle. It acquaints the student with problems associated with low income and poverty and possible means of remediation, and critically evaluates the relationships among the different areas of our socioeconomic system and their influences on poverty. The course also deals with the differences in poverty among the poor white and the poor black. The course is designed for persons entering service vocations who will have significant contact with persons in the poverty syndrome.

  • SPA 200 - Survey of Communication Disorders

    Credits: 3

    Survey of the incidence, identification, classification, diagnosis and major treatment strategies for communication disorders frequently encountered in persons of all ages. Description of the profession of speech-language pathology and clinical audiology. 

    Note: Open to all students.

    Note: Observation required.

  • SPA 201 - Phonetics

    Credits: 3

    Study of the International Phonetic Alphabet and training in the phonetic transcription of speech, including transcription of regional dialects.

    Note: Open to all students.

    Note: Observation required.

  • SPA 209 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism

    Credits: 3

    Basic study of the structure and functions of the organs of speech and hearing.

  • SPA 210 - The Development of Normal Speech and Language

    Credits: 3

    Study of the cognitive social, and environmental factors associated with the acquisition of normal speech and language, including an introduction to psycholinguistics and discussion of relevant anatomical and neurophysiological factors.

    Note: Observation required.

  • SPA 303 - Introduction to Audiology

    Credits: 3

    A survey of fundamental aspects of sound, the functioning of the auditory mechanism, basic methods of audiometric evaluation, and hearing-screening methods and program organization.

    Note: Observation required.

  • SPA 308 - Language Disorders in Children and Their Treatment

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: SPA 210 

    Study of the identification, description, and treatment approaches for language disorders in children, including program design.

    Note: Observation required.

  • SPA 311 - Basic Clinical Strategies in Speech-Language Pathology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: SPA 308  and SPA 321  or permission of the Department Chair of Speech-Language Pathology

    Overview of the basic strategies of therapeutic intervention for communicatively-disordered children and adults. Emphasis is placed upon rationales for selecting treatment models appropriate to individual client needs; the development and implementation of appropriate treatment programs; salient features of the client-clinician relations; and the assessment of treatment outcomes. Observation of diagnostic and treatment sessions required.

  • SPA 313 - Speech and Hearing Science

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: SPA 209 

    Study of the nature of sound, sound transmission, and units of measurement necessary to understand the physiologic, acoustic, and perceptual parameters of speech. Includes discussion of electro-acoustical instruments employed in speech, hearing and language research and testing.

  • SPA 321 - Principles of Therapy: Articulation

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: SPA 201  and SPA 209 

    A survey of current information regarding identification, causation, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of articulation and phonological system in children and adults. Observation of diagnostic and treatment sessions required.

  • SPA 350 - Program Planning in Speech-Language Pathology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: SPA 308 , SPA 311 , and SPA 321 

    This course acquaints students with issues in service delivery in various settings, with emphasis upon the public schools including laws; procedural safeguards; eligibility determination; development of caseloads, scheduling of individual and group therapy; cooperation with other professionals in the program; interactions with parents; accountability procedures; budget considerations; referrals; follow-up procedures; and in-service activities.

  • SPA 400 - Clinical Practicum: Speech and Hearing Center

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Approval from the Undergraduate Practicum Coordinator

    Supervised Practicum in the treatment of speech and/or language disorders in children and adults under the supervision of the faculty at the Speech and Hearing Center.

  • SPA 403 - Strategies in Therapy for the Hearing Impaired

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: SPA 303  (or its equivalent)

    Discussion of methods of teaching language skills to the hearing impaired; amplification systems and their utilization; and current practices in education of the deaf.

  • SPA 411 - Basic Diagnostic Procedures

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: SPA 308  and SPA 321  (or equivalent)

    The philosophy and implementation of procedures for the diagnosis and appraisal of communication disorders, with emphasis upon the administration, scoring, and interpretation of data obtained from observation and from diagnostic instruments used to evaluate language, articulation, fluency, and voice. Observation of diagnostic sessions may be required.

  • SPA 449 - Neurology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: SPA 209  with a grade of C or higher or permission of the Department Chair of Speech-Language Pathology.

    This course will provide information concerning the organization and function of the human nervous system. Emphasis will be given to the nervous system’s participation in human speech and communication.

  • SPA 450 - Special Topics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: 12 semester hours of Speech Language Pathololgy and advanced standing, or permission of the Department Chair of Speech Language Pathology.

    This course is designed for speech language pathology majors who are interested in conducting research projects and/or in-depth readings on a particular clinical topic.

  • SPA 451 - Special Topics

    Prerequisite: 12 semester hours of Speech Language Pathology and advanced standing, or permission of the Department Chair of Speech Language Pathology.

    This course is designed for speech language pathology majors who are interested in conducting research projects and/or in-depth readings on a particular clinical topic.

  • TH 150 - Theatre Practicum

    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Chair of the Department of Theatre

    Entry level practical work in Theatre at the discretion of the Chair of the Department of Theatre.

    Note: May be repeated, but no more than three (3) hours of credit total may be earned.

  • TH 175 - Theatre Appreciation

    Credits: 3

    An overview of the elements of theatre and kinds of drama, with hands on experience possible in different aspects of theatre.

    Note: Fulfills Fine Arts core requirement.

  • TH 176 - Playscript Analysis

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 175 

    A study of the script as the necessary foundation for the three-dimensional theatre experience, and techniques for deriving from the script information for a performance which realizes as fully as possible and with minimal distortion, the playwright’s expressive intentions.

  • TH 200 - Practical Aspects of Stage Makeup

    Credits: 3

    This course is designed to acquaint the student of theatre with the vital and functional relationship between make-up and art, and to demonstrate various types and styles of theatrical make-up.

  • TH 205 - Fundamentals of Interpretation

    Credits: 3

    A study of the fundamentals of vocal production and movement principles used by actors. Individual attention is given to the improvement of diction and voice quality.

  • TH 207 - Creative Dramatics

    Credits: 3

    Designed to introduce students to the use of theatrical tools (movement, imagination, improve, acting, directing, writing) as a method of teaching a variety of material to a broad range of ages. The approach of creative drama encourages the teacher to create and adapt exercises that can add an exciting element to learning for their students. The course is helpful to anyone who will be leading groups: teachers, camp counselors, and parents.

  • TH 217 - Stage Crafts

    Credits: 3

    This course will include design, construction, painting of stage scenery, operation of stage and shop machinery.

    Note: 6 hr. per wk

  • TH 219 - Beginning Acting

    Credits: 3

    This course is deigned to introduce the student to the fundamental principles of acting theory, required of theatre majors, and is geared toward actor training. Beginning acting can be helpful for anyone who may be entering a field where vocal and physical performance is of importance: teachers, newscasters, lawyers, executives, and salespersons. This course includes the reading of a number of plays during the semester.

  • TH 250 - Theatre Practicum

    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Chair of the Department of Theatre

    Intermediate level practical work in Theatre at the discretion of the Chair of the Department of Theatre.

    Note: May be repeated, but no more than six (6) hours of credit total may be earned.

  • TH 275 - Introduction To Design for the Theatre

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 217 

    The student will learn the fundamentals of design as they apply to a theatrical production (costumes and scenery) and will be introduced to the graphic techniques necessary to communicate their ideas.

    Note: 6 hrs. per wk.

  • TH 301 - Theatre as a Profession

    Credits: 1

    This course is designed to help Theatre majors begin preparation for their lives after graduation whether this involves entering graduate school, or seeking employment in the professional theatre or entertainment industry.

  • TH 315 - Playwriting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 176  or EN 312  

    Students will participate in discussion of classic and contemporary play structure, complete specific writing assignments intended to exercise imagination, playwriting skills, and playwriting format, and will write a play.

    Also Listed as: EN 315  
  • TH 317 - Stage Crafts II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 217 

    Course will include design, construction, painting of stage scenery, operation of stage and shop machinery.

    Note: 6 hrs. per wk

  • TH 318 - Stage Lighting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 217 

    A study of lighting equipment and its application to the theatre including instrumentation, control, color and design.

  • TH 319 - Intermediate Acting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 219 

    This course expands on the basic acting skills acquired in TH 219  (Beginning Acting) by requiring students to perform scenes from selected dramatic literature.

  • TH 320 - Directing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 217 , TH 219 , TH 318 , or permission of the Chair of the Department of Theatre

    Introduces the fundamentals and practical application of the principles of play direction together with supervised laboratory hours in directing projects.

  • TH 321 - Theatre Management

    Credits: 3

    A study of theatre organization and management including such areas as arts leadership and development, publicity and promotion, box office operations, and budgeting.

  • TH 360 - Internship

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Theatre majors

    Student-planned work experience related to their major area of study.

  • TH 400 - Seminar: Special Problems In Theatre Practice

    Credits: 1-3

    Theatre production master class, focusing on technical and/or artistic demands of a play in production.

    Note: May be repeated for up to a total of 9 hrs

  • TH 419 - Advanced Acting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 319 

    An intense continuation of TH 319  with emphasis on period styles and some avant garde materials.

  • TH 457 - History of the Theatre I

    Credits: 3

    A survey of historical developments in the theatre from classical era to 18th Century neo-classicism.

  • TH 458 - History of Theatre II

    Credits: 3

    A survey of historical developments in the theatre from the 18th century to the present.

  • TH 464 - Costume for the Stage

    Credits: 3

    A study of the historical development and practical aspects of costumes for the theatre.

  • TH 475 - Advanced Design for Theatre

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: TH 275  and TH 318 

    Advanced design problems in set, lights, costumes, sound, and props. The theoretical and practical aspects of the areas are emphasized.

    Note: 6 hrs. per wk

  • TH 476 - Dramatic Theory and Criticism

    Credits: 3

    A survey of the theoretical literature involved in play analysis as it developed from classical times to the present, as well as the skills needed to undertake critical evaluation of a play.

    Note: Requires research activity.

  • TH 490 - Research in Theatre

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Chair of the Department of Theatre

    Supervised independent study, the content of which will address advanced work in the areas of design, directing, or production. Sample projects may include design of sets, lights, or costumes for a main-stage production; direction of a main-stage production; execution of specific production problems, such as scene painting, fabric dyeing, welding, and draping.

  • TH 491 - Research in Theatre

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Chair of the Department of Theatre

    Supervised independent study, the content of which will address advanced work in the areas of design, directing, or production. Sample projects may include design of sets, lights, or costumes for a main-stage production; direction of a main-stage production; execution of specific production problems, such as scene painting, fabric dyeing, welding, and draping.

  • TH 492 - Research in Theatre

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Chair of the Department of Theatre

    Supervised independent study, the content of which will address advanced work in the areas of design, directing, or production. Sample projects may include design of sets, lights, or costumes for a main-stage production; direction of a main-stage production; execution of specific production problems, such as scene painting, fabric dyeing, welding, and draping.

  • UN 098 - Academic Recovery

    Credits: 3

    This course is designed to assist students in overcoming academic issues that resulted in academic probation.

    Note: This course does not count in GPA calculation, and this course does not count toward hours for a mjaor or toward graduation. Students who do not successfully complete his course will be required to re-take it the following semester of attendance.

  • UN 099 - Turning Point

    Credits: 0

    This course is designed to assist students in overcoming academic issues that resulted in academic suspension.

    Note: This course does not count in GPA calculation, and this course does not count toward hours for a mjaor or toward graduation.

  • UN 101 - Introduction to College Life

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Freshman standing or permission of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

    A series of freshman seminars focusing on a variety of topics: Professor-student relationships, the development of critical thinking and study skills, strategies to improve academic survival, time management, stress management, and assertiveness.

    Note: All entering freshmen with fewer than 12 hours earned (excluding AP and CLEP credit, college credit earned while in high school, and college credit earned during the summer between high school graduation and fall enrollment) are required to successfully complete UN 101.

  • UN 201 - Career Exploration Internship

    Credits: 1-3

    The focus of this course is the exploration of career options for students wishing to experience the day-to-day functions of a professional working in a particular career field.

    Note: Students must be supervised on site and under the direction of a faculty member, and record at least 45 hours of dedicated experience for each one (1) hour of credit.

  • UN 301 - Junior Seminar

    Credits: 1

    This course is designed to help students begin preparation for their lives after graduation, whether they enter the workplace immediately or move on to graduate or professional schools. Topics will include letters of application, interviews, developing a placement file, legal aspects of being a working professional, and career options.

  • UN 390 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 6-18

    This course serves as an administrative placeholder for students attending study-abroad programs sponsored by other universities or co-sponsored by MUW as part of a consortium agreement. This course will also facilitate such administrative actions as the application of financial aid. Students who successfully complete this course will receive a grade of S.

  • WS 200 - Introduction to Women’s Studies

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to basic concepts and interdisciplinary perspectives in women’s studies scholarship. This course will foster a critical analysis of the social and structural factors which shape women’s lives and an appreciation for the diversity of women’s experiences.

  • WS 215 - Women’s Rebellion

    Credits: 3

    From hunger strikes to guerrilla warfare, women have challenged politics-as-usual as members and leaders of controversial and contentious politics. In this class, we will take a look at women-centered movements as well as women’s “double militancy” in other influential movements in the US and abroad. These will reveal women’s political activism on feminist and non-feminist issues alike: equal rights, reproductive policy, labor, democracy, nationalism, independence, war, etc. Familiarizing ourselves with theories of contentious activism and feminist politics, we will explore the gendered components of raucous political action. Are women more inclined to use nonviolence than men? Are states more likely to repress women than men. How do women use tropes of motherhood, fertility and closeness with nature, domesticity, femininity, etc. to gain attention for their causes? What happens to female revolutionaries after victory? These and other questions will animate our semester-long look at the fascinating phenomenon of women’s political rebellion.

    Also Listed as: POL 215  
  • WS 260 - LGBTQ+ Literature

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces students to and gives a survey of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer+ Literature. The course covers canonical and noncanonical texts from a variety of time periods and cultures, representing the literary modes of poetry, fiction, drama, and creative nonfiction. The course explores topics such as defining LGBTQ+ Literature, the differences between and among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer literature and the changes in LGBTQ+ writing over time. This course asks students to use various literary models (LGBTQ critical theory, Feminist, African American, and New Historicism analysis) as lenses.

  • WS 262 - Women in Spanish Film

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: FLS 102  or permission of the Department Chair of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy.

    This course examines both the stereotypical presentations of women as well as the amazing changes that women in Spanish and Latin American Cinema have undergone since the mid Twentieth Century. These images will be examined in the historical and social context in which they occur.

    Also Listed as: FLS 262  
    Note: Spanish with Teacher Certification majors must take this course as a FLS course.

  • WS 299 - Special Topics in Women’s Studies

    Credits: 1-3

    This course will be used for introductory seminars in Women’s Studies or cross-listed with introductory courses in other disciplines that focus on women and introduce Women’s Studies theory or concepts. Course content will vary each time the course is offered.

    Note: This course may be repeated with different topics.

  • WS 303 - Images of Women in Film

    Credits: 3

    An examination of how women have been depicted on celluloid in both American and international films, from the early silents to today’s liberated cinema. Emphasis is placed on the student’s ability to evaluate the presentation of women in these films, based within the context of the society and the era that produced individual films as well as the place of women within a traditionally male-dominated commercial business industry, and how that presentation has evolved since the early days of the cinema.

    Also Listed as: COM 303  and FLM 303 
  • WS 308 - Women and Gender in Western Religion

    Credits: 3

    Survey of women and gender in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, examining the ways these are portrayed in the sacred and other foundational texts of the religions; the historical religious attitudes toward and regulation of women’s and gender roles in the family, education, work, and religious leadership; and recent efforts by women to reevaluate sacred texts, religious history, and theology and to address issues of faith and practice, with particular emphasis on spirituality, sexuality, religious law, women as religious leaders, and new women-oriented spirituality.

    Also Listed as: REL 308  
  • WS 312 - Maternal and Child Health

    Credits: 3

    This course serves as an introductory course to maternal and child health in the United States and around the world. This course focuses on current health problems and diseases affecting both pregnant women and children. The course will examine historical and current principles, programs, policies, and practices as they relate to this population.

    Also Listed as: HED 312  
  • WS 315 - Women Artists in History

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: or concurrent enrollment: Either ART 102 , ART 211 , ART 212  or permission of the Art and Design Department Chair.

    A survey of women artists and their contributions to the history of art, with special emphasis given to gender politics affecting their development as artists.

    Also Listed as: ART 315 
  • WS 317 - Sexuality in American History

    Credits: 3

    The course is a survey of the history of sexuality in America from the 1500s through the present. Topics include: how social, cultural, political, and economic conditions have affected changing meanings of sexuality; the history of categories of sexuality, like “deviant’ and “normal” or homosexual and heterosexual; marriage and family history; and women’s history.

    Also Listed as: HED 317 , HIS 317  
  • WS 324 - Women in European History: From Antiquity to the Age of the French Revolution

    Credits: 3

    A study of the role of women and gender between the period of ancient Greece to c. 1800 C.E.. By the instructor’s choice, this course may be focused on a specific temporal period (e.g. Antiquity, Roman Empire, Middle Ages, Early Modern, etc.) or a specific theme (Women as Mothers, Women’s Work, Sexuality, etc.).

    Also Listed as: HIS 324 
  • WS 326 - Women in American History

    Credits: 3

    Survey of the experiences of women in America from the seventeenth-century colonial settlements to the present, focusing on changes in the conceptions of womanhood and in the realities of women’s lives and work. Women’s participation in the social, economic, political, and cultural spheres will be studied in terms of the lives of ordinary women as well as of prominent individuals. Topics explored will include women’s domestic and wage work, marital patterns, the concept of sisterhood, the institutions of marriage and the family, legal rights, education, social and political movements.

    Also Listed as: HIS 326 
  • WS 327 - Global Child Advocacy Issues

    Credits: 3

    The purpose of this course is to prepare students to recognize child advocacy and child health issues around the world. The course will include discussion of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, child labor, child trafficking, child soldiers, children affected by war and conflict, child maltreatment, adoption, educational issues, child health, and issues particularly affecting the female child, such as sex-selective abortion, female genital mutilation, child brides, and sex trafficking. Selected prevention education and intervention programs will be examined throughout the course.

    Also Listed as: HED 327  
  • WS 350 - Women in Literature

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: EN 101  and a 200-level English course or permission of the Department Chair of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy

    This course introduces students to both traditional stereotypes of women in literature and new ways to analyze literature by and about women. Using introductory feminist critical texts, students will learn to focus on what literature says and implies about women: their nature, their roles, their place in society. Readings may include works by Austen, George Eliot, the Brontes, Flaubert, Woolf, Stein, Welty, Atwood, Walker, Rich, and others.

    Also Listed as: EN 350 
    Note: Elementary Education majors with an English concentration and English with Teacher Certification majors must take this course as an EN course.

  • WS 351 - Women’s Experiences of Family Life

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: PSY 201  or WS 200  

    This course examines women’s diverse experiences in contemporary families and in the world as homemakers, wives/partners, mothers, care givers, and as paid and unpaid workers. Family studies scholarship is examined critically with respect to various themes, including the social construction of gender and validation of family diversity. The contradictory nature of the family as a source of/venue for control and oppression versus support, validation, and empowerment is also explored.

    Also Listed as: FSC 351  
  • WS 352 - Psychology of Women

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: PSY 101  or PSY 206  or permission of the Psychology and Family Studies Department Chair.

    This course will present an overview of the biological, social, and cultural factors that affect women throughout the lifespan.

    Also Listed as: PSY 350 
  • WS 365 - Mississippi Women in Politics

    Credits: 1-3

    Modeled on Rutgers University’s NEW (National Education for Women’s) Leadership ® (NEW) program, the primary goal of this course is to educate Mississippi’s college women about the history and politics of women’s representation and political participation, with special attention to Mississippi. In addition, students learn the important role that politics plays in their lives, develop a working understanding of the legislative process in Mississippi, identify a range of careers in public service-elected and unelected-and develop skills necessary for effective leadership in the political arena.

  • WS 375 - Women in Medieval Literature

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: EN 101  and a 200-level English course or permission of the Department Chair of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy

    A study of the literature of the medieval period both by and about women, with special attention to the impact of the anti-feminist tradition. Some authors/works may include Chaucer, Julian of Norwich, Christine de Pisan, Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Margery Kempe, and Marie de France.

    Also Listed as: EN 375 
    Note: Elementary Education majors with an English concentration and English with Teacher Certification majors must take this course as an EN course.

  • WS 382 - Women’s Health Issues

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior Standing

    This course presents an overview of major health issues affecting women of all ages, races, and ethnicities.  Emphasis will be placed on prevention, health promotion and becoming a critical health care consumer, while the impact of lifestyle issues and relationships throughout the lifespan on women’s health are explored. 

    Also Listed as: HED 382  
  • WS 383 - Gender and Sexual Minority Health

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces students to health disparities faced by gender and sexual minorities with emphasis on the LGBTQ community. The course will define terminology associated with gender and sexual minority group identification, discuss the history of gender and sexual minority health, and discuss contemporary gender and sexual minority health themes.

    Also Listed as: HED 383  
  • WS 384 - Strategies for the Managerial Woman

    Credits: 3

    Development of skills to assume managerial positions with clear-cut goals and well-defined strategies for achieving objectives. Emphasis upon professional growth, career advancement, resume building, and balancing personal and career challenges.

    Also Listed as: MGT 384  
  • WS 385 - Eating Disorders and Body Image as Public Health Issues

    Credits: 3

    This is an introductory course on eating disorders and body image issues. The course will emphasize a public health perspective, and will include discussion of the following topics: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, purging, binge-eating, obesity, body dysmorphic disorder, muscle dysmorphia, pica, and female athlete triad. Causes, symptoms, related medical issues, high risk populations, screening options, public health interventions, and cross-cultural influences will be examined throughout.

    Also Listed as: HED 385  
  • WS 400 - Seminar in Women’s Studies

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: WS 200 ; Junior Standing or Permission of the Department Chair of Languages, Literature and Philosophy.

    An advanced seminar in a Women’s Studies topic in any discipline, including but not limited to, seminars, research projects, or independent study in majors or minors which apply theory, concepts, and skills developed in sophomore or junior level women’s studies courses. Seminar topics or course activities/requirements may change with each course offering. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

    Note: May be repeated up to six hours.

  • WS 401 - Internship in Women’s Sudies

    Credits: 1-6

    Qualified students may earn credit for participating in a program approved in advance by the faculty advisor and department chair. Examples may include: internships in women’s archival records and artifacts, women’s oral history projects, or internships in companies or agencies dealing with women’s issues. The number of hours worked will determine the number of credit hours: a minimum or 40 contact hours is required for 1 credit hour.

    Note: This course may be repeated for up to 6 credits.

  • WS 425 - Gender Development

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Senior standing and at least 9 hours of WS coursework or permission of the Department Chair of Psychology and Family Studies

    This course provides an indepth study of theories and research on gender development from conception through middle childhood.

    Also Listed as: PSY 425 
  • WS 499 - Women’s Studies Capstone Course

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: 24 hours of women’s studies coursework, including WS 200 , and senior standing

    WS 499 is an integrated and interdisciplinarystudy of major themes, issues and problems in women’s studies.  It explores key features of women’s studies research and engages critical debates on methodology, epistemology, and the relationship between research and social change.  It is also an opportunity for four years of coursework to culminate in a substantial independent project.  The class will explore the state of the field by observing reflections of the “founding mothers” of women’s studies and by examining leading journals and texts in the field. 

    Note:  Required of all majors.


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