Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

12. Courses

  • MS 4114 - Leadership Challenges and Goal-Setting

    Credits: 4

    Three hours lecture Three hours laboratory

    Prerequisite: Military Science Status or consent of instructor

    Plan, conduct and evaluate activities of the ROTC organization. Develop confidence in skills to lead people and manage resources. Apply Army policies and programs.

  • MS 4124 - Transition to Lieutenant

    Credits: 4

    Three hours lecture Three hours laboratory

    Prerequisite: Military Science Senior Status or consent of instructor

    Theory and practice of the laws of war, leadership, and resolving ethical problems.

  • MUS 100 - Music Appreciation

    Credits: 3

    This course is designed to develop in the student a knowledge and appreciation of music through directed listening and study.

  • MUS 101 - Theory I

    Credits: 3

    A study of the basic elements of music, including part-writing and harmonic analysis.

  • MUS 102 - Theory II

    Credits: 3

    A study of the basic elements of music, including part-writing and harmonic analysis.

  • MUS 103 - Theory Lab I

    Credits: 1

    Sight singing, dictation, and keyboard harmony.

  • MUS 104 - Theory Lab II

    Credits: 1

    Sight singing, dictation, and keyboard harmony.

  • MUS 105 - Introduction to Music Literature

    Credits: 3

    This course is designed to provide basic techniques of listening to music and to give an introduction to the musical styles of Western Art Music and music of other cultures.

  • MUS 106 - Jazz Ensemble

    Credits: 1

    An instrumental ensemble specializing in the performance of traditional and contemporary jazz.

    Note: Repeatable. Open to all students. Audition required.

  • MUS 107 - Group Keyboard Skills I

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Music Majors Only

    Two hours laboratory. Fundamentals of piano for music majors.

  • MUS 108 - Instrumental Ensemble

    Credits: 1

    An instrumental ensemble which performs a variety of historical and contemporary literature.

    Note: Repeatable. Open to all students. Audition required.

  • MUS 109 - Group Keyboard Skills II

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 107 , Music Majors Only

    Two hours laboratory. This course is designed to help the music major devlop the basic technical skills of piano playing and to reinforce theoretical concepts learned in other classes through practical application. This course is a continuation of MUS 107 .

  • MUS 110 - University Chorus

    Credits: 0-1

    A vocal ensemble which performs a variety of historical and contemporary literature.

    Note: Repeatable. Open to all students.

  • MUS 112 - New Horizon

    Credits: 1

    A vocal-instrumental ensemble specializing in contemporary popular music styles. The ensemble represents MUW in performances throughout the year.

    Note: Repeatable. Open to all students. Audition required.

  • MUS 114 - Chorale

    Credits: 0-1

    A select vocal ensemble which performs a variety of choral literature.

    Note: Repeatable. Open to all students. Audition required.

  • MUS 115 - Chamber Singers

    Credits: 0-1

    A select vocal ensemble specializing in music written for smaller ensembles to include music from all periods of music history, both sacred and secular.

    Note: Repeatable. Open to all students. Audition required.

  • MUS 116 - Male Ensemble

    Credits: 1

    A vocal ensemble which performs a variety of choral literature for male voices.

    Note: Repeatable. Open to all male students. Audition required.

  • MUS 121 - Major Brass Lessons, Music Composition, Piano, Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano, or voice. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only.

  • MUS 121B - Major Brass Lessons

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in Brass. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music Majors Only.

  • MUS 121C - Major Music Composition

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in Music Composition. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only.

  • MUS 121P - Major Piano

    Individual instruction in piano. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only.

  • MUS 121V - Major Voice

    Individual instruction in voice. Meets weekly for one hour.

  • MUS 122 - Major Brass Lessons, Music Composition, Piano, Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano or voice. Music majors must take each above listed course in their major area. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 122B - Major Brass Lessons

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in brass lessons. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 122C - Major Music Composition

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in Music Composition. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 122P - Major Piano

    Individual instruction in piano. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 122V - Major Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in voice. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 123 - Class Piano

    Credits: 2

    Class instruction in basic keyboard techniques. Class Piano is intended for students who have not received previous instruction in piano.

    Note: MUS 123 may be repeated once.

  • MUS 125 - Elective Piano, Voice, Instruments

    Credits: 1

    Elective courses are for students not majoring or minoring in music.  Meets weekly for one-half hour.

    Note: Repeatable. A fee is required. Meets weekly for one-half hour.

  • MUS 126 - Class Guitar

    Credits: 2

    Class instruction on basic functional guitar techniques.

  • MUS 127 - Secondary Instrument, Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano or voice. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Repeatable. Music majors and minors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 127B - Secondary Instrument, Brass

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, or tuba. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors or minors only. Instructor permission required.

  • MUS 127C - Secondary Instrument, Composition

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: MUS 102  

    Individual instruction in composition. Meets weekly for one hour.

  • MUS 128 - Class Voice I

    Credits: 2

    Class instruction in basic vocal techniques. Class Voice I is intended for students who have not received previous instruction in voice.

  • MUS 129 - Class Voice II

    Credits: 2

    Class instruction in basic vocal techniques. Class Voice I is intended for students who have not received previous instruction in voice.

  • MUS 135 - Great American Theatre Musicals

    Credits: 3

    A study of artistic and technical development of the Broadway musical presented in a workshop exploration of music and scenes extracted from representative works.

  • MUS 150 - Performance Techniques for Singers

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Music Major

    Intensive training for singers in audition techniques/preparation, stagecraft, developing confidence and stage presence,and performance preparation for vocal solos and small ensembles (duets, trios) in a workshop environment.

  • MUS 151 - Introduction to Music Therapy I: Foundations

    Credits: 1

    An introduction to, and survey of, music therapy and the music therapy profession.

  • MUS 152 - Introduction To Music Therapy II: Populations

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 151 

    A study of the potentials of music therapy with a variety of clinical populations including examination of the levels and areas of music therapy practice.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only.

  • MUS 201 - Theory III

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUS 101 -MUS 102 

    A continuation of the study of music theory, including extended harmony, counterpoint, and contemporary compositional practices.

  • MUS 202 - Theory IV

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUS 101 -MUS 102 

    A continuation of the study of music theory, including extended harmony, counterpoint, and contemporary compositional practices.

  • MUS 203 - Theory Lab III

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 103 , MUS 104 

    Advanced sight singing, dictation, and keyboard harmony.

  • MUS 204 - Theory Lab IV

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 103 , MUS 104 

    Advanced sight singing, dictation, and keyboard harmony.

  • MUS 205 - Music Education Praxis Preparation

    Credits: 1

    This course is designed to help students prepare to take the music education portions of the Praxis exam required for graduation and certification. Students will learn test taking strategies as well as review content that will likely be presented on the examination.

  • MUS 207 - Group Keyboard Skills III

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 107  and MUS 109 , Music Majors Only

    Two hours laboratory. This course is designed to help the music major further develop technical skills of piano playing and to reinforce theoretical concepts learned in other classes through practical application. This course will continue developing the piano skills the student has gained in MUS 107  and MUS 109 .

  • MUS 209 - Group Keyboard Skills IV

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 107 , MUS 109 , and MUS 207 , Music Majors Only

    Two hours laboratory. This course is designed to help the music major further develop technical skills of piano playing and to reinforce theoretical concepts learned in other classes through practical application. This course will continue developing the piano skills the student has gained in MUS 107 , MUS 109 , and MUS 207 .

  • MUS 215 - Diction for Singers

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chair of Music

    Instruction in phonetics for singing in Italian, French, German, and English.

  • MUS 220B - Brass Instruments

    Credits: 1

    Note: Music majors or minor only. Instructor permission required.

  • MUS 220PR - Percussion Instruments

    Credits: 1

    Group instruction in teaching percussion instruments, including methods and materials of instruction for the music educator.

    Note: Music majors or minors only. Instructor permission required.

  • MUS 220S - String Instruments

    Credits: 1

    Group instruction in teaching string instruments, including methods and materials of instruction, for the music educator.

    Note: Music majors or minors only.

  • MUS 220W - Woodwind Instruments

    Credits: 1

    Group instruction in teaching woodwind instruments, including methods and materials of instruction, for the music educator.

    Note: Music Majors or minors only. Instructor permission required.

  • MUS 221 - Major Brass Lessons, Music Composition, Piano, Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano or voice. Music majors must take each above listed course in their major area. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 221B - Major Brass Lessons

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in brass lessons. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 221C - Major Music Composition

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in music compostion. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music major only. Audition required.

  • MUS 221P - Major Piano

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 221V - Major Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in voice. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 222 - Major Brass Lessons, Music Composition, Piano, Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano or voice. Music majors must take each above listed course in their major area. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 222B - Major Brass Lessons

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in brass lessons. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 222C - Major Music Composition

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in music composition. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 222P - Major Piano

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 222V - Major Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in voice. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 226 - Advanced Guitar for Music Therapy

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 126  or permission of instructor

    Class instruction of functional guitar skills for use in Music Therapy.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only

  • MUS 231 - Percussion for Music Therapy

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 252  

    Class instruction of functional percussion skills for use in Music Therapy

    Note: Music Therapy majors only

  • MUS 242 - Computers in Music

    Credits: 3

    A combination lecture/laboratory course where students learn computer basics as they relate to music. Topics include computer music notation, MIDI sequencing, digital recording, digital sound processing, digital mastering, CAI software for music instruction, and music applications for the internet.

  • MUS 251 - Clinical Skills I

    Credits: 1

    A survey of structured instrumental, vocal, and movement techniques with an emphasis on development and application of leadership and music performance skills in therapeutic and recreational settings.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only.

  • MUS 252 - Clinical Skills II

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 251 , MUS 121  (piano) or MUS 127  (piano).

    A survey of improvisational instrumental, vocal, and movement theory and techniques, with an emphasis on development and application in therapeutic settings.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only.

  • MUS 253 - Music Therapy Observation

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Completion of MUS 151 , MUS 152 

    Observation and/or clinical practicum in music therapy.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only.

  • MUS 255 - Psychology of Music

    Credits: 2

    A study of the basic psychological and acoustical processes of music as it relates to culture, perception, emotion, development, cognition, preference, and learning.

  • MUS 256 - Music Therapy Research Methods

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: PSY 101 , MUS 255 

    An introduction to music therapy research methods with an emphasis on the reading, evaluation, and application of research findings and techniques in music therapy practice.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only.

  • MUS 301 - History Of Music

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUS 105 

    A study of the growth of music from the ancient systems and instruments through twentieth century developments, including music of Western and other cultures.

  • MUS 302 - History Of Music

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUS 105 

    A study of the growth of music from the ancient systems and instruments through twentieth century developments, including music of Western and other cultures.

  • MUS 303 - Music Therapy Professional Skills

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Junior standing

    An examination of the issues which the music therapy student must be aware of as they plan for life after graduation. Topics include preparing for the professional internship, obtaining board certification, and establishing a career as a music therapist.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only.

  • MUS 304 - Music for Children

    Credits: 3

    A consideration of the fundamental principles, techniques, and procedures for teaching music in the elementary schools, grades K-8. Opportunities for reading and using current literature and materials are included.

    Note: Open to General Education majors only.

  • MUS 305 - Form and Analysis

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: MUS 202 

    A study of musical structure and style with analysis of representative works in the history of music.

  • MUS 306 - Arranging and Orchestration Techniques

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Music Majors Only, MUS 101 , MUS 102 , MUS 103 , MUS 104 , MUS 201 , MUS 202 , MUS 203 , MUS 204 

    Two hours lecture.  A course covering the skills needed to arrange for various choral and instrumental ensembles.  Course will discuss voice parts and the instrumental families, their notation, ranges, timbres and best use; planning an arrangement; voice leading, voicing and density, chord substitution, and expanding sequential chordal movement; rhythmic patterns and turnarounds. Students will also create original arrangements for a variety of choral and instrumental groups.

  • MUS 309 - Improvisation Techniques I

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 204 

    A laboratory in the techniques of melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic elements of popular music improvisation.

  • MUS 310 - Improvisation Techniques II

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: MUS 204 

    A laboratory in the techniques of melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic elements of popular music improvisation.

  • MUS 315 - Conducting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUS 201 , MUS 202 , MUS 203 , MUS 204 

    A study of the fundamentals of choral and instrumental conducting.

    Note: Must be enrolled concurrently in MUS 114 .

  • MUS 316 - Choral Conducting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUS 201 , MUS 202 , MUS 203 , MUS 204 , MUS 315  Current enrollment in MUS 114  or MUS 115 

    An indepth study of the art of choral conducting along with study of period-specific literature and choral techniques.

  • MUS 320 - Music Education Materials and Methods

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Music Education majors.

    Preparation for teaching music at the elementary and secondary levels, including measurement and evaluation of learning and skill development. Areas of emphasis are singing, playing instruments, rhythmic activity, general music classes, theory, and choral groups.

  • MUS 321 - Major Brass Lessons, Music Composition, Piano, Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano or voice. Music majors must take each above listed course in their major area. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 321B - Major Brass Lessons

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in brass lessons. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 321C - Major Music Composition

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in music composition. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audtion required.

  • MUS 321P - Major Piano

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 321V - Major Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in voice. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 322 - Major Brass Lessons, Music Composition, Piano, Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano or voice.  Music majors must take each above listed course in their major area. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 322B - Major Brass Lessons

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in brass lessons. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 322C - Major Music Composition

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in music composition. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 322P - Major Piano

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audtition required.

  • MUS 322P - Major Piano

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in piano. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 322V - Major Voice

    Credits: 2

    Individual instruction in voice. Meets weekly for one hour.

    Note: Music majors only. Audition required.

  • MUS 323 - Piano Pedagogy

    Credits: 3

    A survey of materials and principles related to piano teaching.

  • MUS 324 - Voice Pedagogy

    Credits: 3

    A survey of materials and principles related to vocal teaching.

  • MUS 325 - Secondary Music Methods

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Music majors only. Others by permission of the Department Chair of Music

    Preparation for teaching music at the secondary level, including measurement and evaluation of learning and skill development. Areas of emphasis are singing, general music classes, and choral ensembles.

  • MUS 327B - Half-Recital Brass

    Credits: 0

    Prerequisite: MUS 321   Prerequisite/Corequisite: MUS 322  

    30 minute recital.

  • MUS 327P - Half-Recital Piano

    Credits: 0

    Prerequisite: MUS 321   Prerequisite/Corequisite: MUS 322  

    30 minute recital of solo piano music to be performed by memory.

  • MUS 327V - Half-Recital Voice

    Credits: 0

    Prerequisite: MUS 321   Prerequisite/Corequisite: MUS 322  

    30 minute recital of solo music to be performed by memory.

  • MUS 331 - Music Business

    Credits: 3

    A general study of the music industry and music business opportunities. Includes copyrighting, publishing, music licensing, unions and guilds, artist management, contracts, and music merchandising.

  • MUS 351 - Music Therapy with Children

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Completion of MUS 151 , MUS 152 

    Music therapy theories and techniques for children with special needs including developmental and physical disabilities, mental illness, and medical conditions.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only.

  • MUS 352 - Music Therapy with Adults

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Completion of MUS 151 , MUS 152 

    Music therapy theories and techniques for adults and older adults with special needs including mental illness, medical conditions, traumatic brain injury and cerebrovascular accident, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

    Note: Music Therapy majors only.


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